Worcestershire Archaeology Day 2022

Please be aware the tickets to attend in person are now sold out. However, you can still buy £5 tickets to access the talk recordings - please book here: https://e-services.Worcestershire.gov.uk/LibraryEvents/EventDetails.aspx?id=1438

Join us on Saturday 19th November 2022 for our annual Archaeology Day, with talks from staff and guests about excavations, discoveries and projects around the county.

Eight talks across the day will include:
- Tales from a Zooarchaeologist
- Uncovering Temple Laugherne's medieval chapel & hamlet
- Fascinating Finds
- Worcester Life Stories
- Portable Antiquities Scheme highlights for 2022
- Community Big Dig news: Small Pits, Big Ideas and Roots in Time
There will also be a chance to sign up for the Buildings at Risk project and get hands on with archaeological animal bones!
The day runs from 10-5 at The Hive in Worcester and includes tea/ coffee and biscuits. Tickets are £22 in person or £5 for access to talk recordings afterwards. We anticipate that digital recordings will become available a week after the event. Those who regularly volunteer for WAAS are able to attend for the usual discounted rate of £5.