Worcestershire Archaeology Day 2023 - talk recordings

If you couldn't make it on the day then fear not - you can still buy a talk recordings ticket!

Worcestershire Archaeology Day 2023 took place at The Hive on the 18th November. It is an annual day of 8 talks celebrating and sharing recent investigations in Worcestershire, run by Explore the Past - the county Archive & Archaeology Service.

Recordings ticket (£6) - a link to the talk recordings will be emailed out around the 28th November. Recordings will be available indefinitely, so that you can watch at your convenience. Tickets can be purchased until noon on Monday 27th November.


  • Body on the Bromyard Line
  • Civil War Discoveries at Hartlebury Castle
  • Fascinating Finds of 2023
  • The Art of Archaeological Conservation
  • 8000 years in Broadway
  • Highlights from the Portable Antiquities Scheme
  • Trade, Travellers and Trinkets - Roman settlement near Evesham
  • News from the Field - Ambrey Archaeology

If you have any queries, please get in touch with Worcestershire Archive & Archaeology Service by email or phone: explorethepast@worcestershire.gov.uk | 01905 766352.

Please note that tickets are non-refundable.