Talking Taboos Discussion Groups

Join academics from the Department of English, Media & Culture at the University of Worcester to discuss taboo, risky and potentially controversial topics. Learn why they're considered 'taboo' or 'risky' in the first place and, then discuss and share opinions in a safe and inclusive safe. 

Week 1: Fat Activism with Robyn Platt, 05/06/24 12pm-2pm
In Week 1, Robyn leads a discussion around the Fat Activism movement from the 1960s to the present day Body Positivity movement. Explore the development of people's bodies as a reflection of their character, the links between beauty and health, and the question of whether fat has become incompatible with both. 

Week 2: Sex, Consent and Cultures of Silence with Holly Barnes-Bennetts, 12/06/24 4pm-6pm
In Week 2, Holly leads a discussion around the movement of sex from a fairly public act to one shrouded in issues of shame and embarrassment, and the work of some artists and educators to bring it back into the open. Explore how more open conversations about sex can encourage healthier sexual consent practices, why people don't feel comfortable expressing their needs, and talk about why we don't talk about sex.

Week 3: Should We Cancel Cancel Culture? with Katy Wareham Morris, 19/06/24 12pm-2pm
In Week 3, Katy leads a discussion around the rise of cancel culture in today's society, questioning whether internet platforms are free, open and democratic spaces for thoughts, or whether 'cancelling' is a form of online policing, or harassment and bullying. Has cancel culture been hijacked as a mechanism for silencing difficult topics and issues?