Parish Consultation Papers
Find out about public consultation in Severn Stoke & Croome d'Abitot - what is happening now, what we found out from past consultations and what we have planned for the future.
Consultation Papers
High Green red BT phone box. Adoption consultation
August 2022. The Parish Council is undertaking a postal survey of views of High Green residents as to whether it should adopt the old red BT telephone box in the village. The telephone box can be adopted by the council for the nominal sum of £1 but with that comes an ongoing commitment and cost to renovating and maintaining it. The other question posed in the survey is how it might best be used? Residents are asked to leave their replies in the telephone box by 20th September. Whilst this is mainly a High Green issue all parishioners are free to contribute to the survey if they wish. The survey form can be found on the Severn Stoke and Croome d’Abitot parish council website or from the parish clerk via email: The response will help the council come to a decision that best reflects the desires of the residents.
Resident Speed Survey December 2020
Copy of questions asked in online survey relating to issue of speeding in Severn Stoke and along the A38 in the parish. Deadline for responses 10th January 2021.
Resident Speed Survey RESULTS January 2021
Results of the December 2020 resident survey relating to the issue of speeding in Severn Stoke and along the A38 in the parish.
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