About Adam Collett

Adam Collett
For a list of Committee membership, please see the table provided in the section Documents/Publications.

- The Chair has no special powers beyond the casting vote (see below), has the same duties and obligations as all other Cllrs and he/she is elected each year. - The Chair must ensure that meetings are run in an orderly manner and that the rules of debate are followed. The Chair is responsible for ensuring that effective and lawful decisions are taken at meetings of the Council and, assisted by the Clerk, guides activities by managing the meetings of the Council. - The Chair can suggest the content of the agenda but the Clerk has the final say. - The Chair is responsible for involving all Cllrs in discussion and ensuring that Cllrs keep to the point. The Chair summarises the debate and facilitates the making of clear Resolutions and is responsible for keeping discussions moving. - The Chair has a casting vote. His/her first vote is a personal vote as a member of the Council. If there is a tied vote, the Chair can have a second, casting vote. - The Chair may claim expenses [up to max of £50 per annum (as per standing orders for Grimley Parish Council)]. - The position of Chair cannot be shared, as a declaration of acceptance is signed. - The Chair will often be the public face of the Council and will represent the Council at official events. He/she may be asked to speak on behalf of the Council and, in such circumstances, should only expresses the agreed views of the Council and not personal views. The Chair cannot legally make a decision on behalf of the Council. - The Chair must make valid declarations of interest as per all other Cllrs and thereby must ensure impartial representation of the entire parish.

Contact Details for Adam Collett

Clerk 07950256363

(not provided)

