Councillor vacancy.
A further casual vacancy has arisen for a Parish Councillor.
If by the 26th July 2018 a request for the vacancy is made to the Returning Officer at Wychavvn District Council by ten electors an Election will take place otherwise the vacancy will be filled by co-option.
Annual Audit 2017-18.
The notice of public rights and publication of unaudited Annual Governance and Accountability Return for the year ended 31 March 2018 can be viewed in the annual report section of this website along with financial end of year documents relating to the Annual Audit.
Parish Council meeting
The next Parish Council meeting will take place in the Village Hall on Monday 10th September 2018 at 7pm.
Councillor vacancy.
Term of office will run until the next ordinary elections in May 2019.
Completed application form should be returned to the Clerk by 30th June 2018
Community Speed Watch
For information on the Community Speed Watch scheme leaflet in the Publications section of this website.
Neighbourhood Plan Opinion Survey Results.
South Lenches Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group are pleased to confirm that the raw top line results of the Parish Opinion Survey are now available. In the interests of complete transparency these are available to everyone to read or download from the Lenches Website.