Annual Governance Statement and Accountability Return 2017-18
Annual Governance Statement and Accountability Return 2017-18
This includes Internal Audit Report 2017-18, Annual Governance Statement and Accounting Statements together with Confirmation of the dates of the period for the exercise of public rights
Village Web site
A Village Web Site has been set up by members of the community. It can be found at
Village Defibrillator
With the support of West Midlands Ambulance Service, Bretforton Community Shop and the Parish Coucil, an emergency defbrillator has been located at the Bretforton Community Shop. Access to it is available using a code provided by the emergency services should the need arise.
Whilst the defibulator will 'talk' you through the process of its use, it is intended to organise a more formal training for those who are interested.
A second emergency dedibulator has been located on the outside wall of the Sports Club in Station Road.
Who, what, when, where, ?????
What does the Parish Council do?
The Parish Council has a surprising number of powers which it can exercise if it so wishes. Below are some of the activities Bretforton Parish Council currently carries out for the benefit of the village:
* Considers all planning applications relating to Bretforton and the surrounding area, and makes comments as appropriate, to the District Council
* Provides and maintains bus shelters, the rec play area and Stoneford Lane play area
* Provides litter bins, Dog bins and some seats and benches in the village
* Plants trees and bulbs in verges with consent of the relevant authority
* Provides and maintains the burial ground as well as gardening maintenance throughout the village
* Has responsibility for the street lighting
* Considers and campaigns for traffic calming works
* Works in partnership with the County and District Councils, and the Society for the Preservation of Bretforton, for the benefit of the village
* Undertakes special projects
Memorial Hall
The Memorial Hall is owned by the Parish Council for the benefit of the people of the village. It is managed by the Memorial Hall Committee which has to be separate from the Parish Council. The existing committee members, who have done a great job for many years, are now retiring and the Parish Council is helping them to encourage some new members. It is likely that some Parish Councillors will join the committee to take over, for example. the role of Secretary but we are looking for any villagers who would be prepared to spend a small amount of time to help out on the committee. If you would more details on what is involved, please contact the Clerk, Andrea Evans on 01386 760332.