Parish News Future Updates
Parish News Oct
Fairfield Recreation Ground
Quotations are being sought for works to extend the car park, which when completed should help to reduce the amount of parking on Stourbridge Rd. The surface envisaged would be a combination concrete and ‘green’ matted scheme. The works are though subject to a successful planning application to the District Council.
Parish Room, Belbroughton
The legal procedures are now in hand for the new tenancy and a new business should be opening in early December.
Veolia ES Ltd Planning application Sandy Lane Wildmoor
The council will send a representative to speak at the County Council planning meeting which is due to be held late autumn.
Neighbourhood Plan
Members have approved assessing the benefits of constructing a Neighbourhood Plan for the parish area.
Little Bell Hall Pool - Belbroughton
Following the appearance of a sink hole on the dam and the emergency draining of the pool to protect the dam structure the council awaits the receipt of a report from its commissioned structural surveyor before considering what remedial actions may be appropriate and affordable. A new trash screen will be commissioned to reduce the amount of debris moving under the dam structure.
The Green, Belbroughton
The Council remains to hear from the developer in respect of completing the agreements regarding the trees removal and thus we have no further information to give to residents.
Community Engagement
The Council will continue to hold an ‘Open Surgery’ prior to the commencement of full Council meetings to give residents the opportunity to meet and discuss any issues directly with their councillors.
Parish Council Website
The site is now operational and the content, including general community information, continues to be added. The site is
Parish News Sept
Council Vice Chairman
Cllr. Robert Morgan was elected as vice chairman of the Parish Council at the 5th September meeting. The council thanked the former vice chairman Cllr. Chris Scurrell for his work during his time in the role and his ongoing commitment as a councillor.
Bell Heath
The Council is obtaining quotes to replace the damaged display board and dog waste bin at Five Ways following the road traffic accident.
A dog waste bin will be installed at Pepperwood Close once agreement has been reached with the Bromsgrove District Housing Trust over the precise location. In addition, the council is awaiting the agreement of the Woodland Trust to install a further bin in Pepperwood.
A donation of £300 has been agreed towards the purchase and installation of a defibrillator outside the Fairfield Village Hall as part of the Community Associations lottery bid.
Fairfield Recreation Ground
Part of the surface of the playarea requires replacing and quotes are being obtained for consideration of this work.
Parish Room, Belbroughton
Applications are now being considered for the new tenancy, the council has approved re-pointing work on the property prior to a new tenant taking occupation.
Veolia ES Ltd Planning application
The council will consider at its October meeting whether to send a representative to speak at the County Council planning meeting due to be held late autumn.
Neighbourhood Plan
Also at the October council, the benefits of constructing a Neighbourhood Plan for the parish area will be considered.
Community Engagement
The Council will continue to hold an ‘Open Surgery’ prior to the commencement of full Council meetings to give residents the opportunity to meet and discuss any issues directly with their councillors.
Parish Council Website
The site is now operational and the content, including general community information, continues to be added. The site is
Parish News August
Council Vice Chairman
Cllr. Robert Morgan was elected as vice chairman of the Parish Council at the 5th September meeting. The council thanked the former vice chairman Cllr. Chris Scurrell for his work during his time in the role and his ongoing commitment as a councillor.
Bell Heath
The Council is obtaining quotes to replace the damaged display board and dog waste bin at Five Ways following the road traffic accident.
A dog waste bin will be installed at Pepperwood Close once agreement has been reached with the Bromsgrove District Housing Trust over the precise location. In addition, the council is awaiting the agreement of the Woodland Trust to install a further bin in Pepperwood.
A donation of £300 has been agreed towards the purchase and installation of a defibrillator outside the Fairfield Village Hall as part of the Community Associations lottery bid.
Fairfield Recreation Ground
Part of the surface of the playarea requires replacing and quotes are being obtained for consideration of this work.
Parish Room, Belbroughton
Applications are now being considered for the new tenancy, the council has approved re-pointing work on the property prior to a new tenant taking occupation.
Veolia ES Ltd Planning application
The council will consider at its October meeting whether to send a representative to speak at the County Council planning meeting due to be held late autumn.
Neighbourhood Plan
Also at the October council, the benefits of constructing a Neighbourhood Plan for the parish area will be considered.
Community Engagement
The Council will continue to hold an ‘Open Surgery’ prior to the commencement of full Council meetings to give residents the opportunity to meet and discuss any issues directly with their councillors.
Parish Council Website
The site is now operational and the content, including general community information, continues to be added. The site is
Council Meeting dates and Minutes
The agendas and minutes of council meetings along with future meeting dates are made available on the council#s own website. The next full council meetings are 3rd October in Fairfield First School Stourbridge Rd. and 7th November in the Jubilee Room, Belbroughton Recreation Centre. Both meetings will start at 7.30 pm.
Parish News July
Veolia ES Ltd - Planning Application, Sandy Lane Wildmoor
The Parish Council has submitted to the County Council its detailed letter of objection to the proposed incinerator bottom ash industrial facility. A copy of this letter will be available on the website or can be ordered from the clerk.
New Councillor for Fairfield
Gerald Ingram has been co-opted onto the parish council and he looks forward to helping the community in his role. The council now has a full complement of 14 councillors.
Little Bell Hall Pool – Belbroughton
Following heavy rains in June a ‘sink hole’ has appeared on the dam adjacent to the sluice gate. With the surrounding ground exceedingly boggy the area has been fenced off and to protect the dam structure from further water pressure the pool level has been significantly lowered. The council now urgently awaits a surveying engineer’s report on the structures and will consider shortly what actions may be needed to repair the leaks in the aged brick and earthworks. Residents are asked to keep away from the immediate area.
Fairfield Recreation Ground
The council has approved repairs to the potholes on the car parking area. It will also be investigating options and costs for extending the car park to create a further 10 spaces although no decision has been made to proceed with that project.
Parish Room - Belbroughton
Applications for the new tenancy of the building in Hartle Lane are due to be assessed this month.
Speed Limits – Hartle Lane Belbroughton
The reduction from 50 MPH to 40 MPH on the stretch from the A491 traffic lights to the edge of the village is due to be finally implemented by the County Council following many months of pressure from residents the parish council and your county councillor.
The Green Belbroughton
The council remains to hear from the developers of the adjacent site in Hartle Lane regarding the completion of the Deed of Easement they had previously agreed to with the council under Heads of Terms dated 23rd February 2015.
Council Chairman
Cllr. Dave Roberts has decided to resign as chairman of the Parish Council after more than 2 years in the role. He thanked his fellow councillors and the clerk for their support during his term of office, he will though be continuing as a councillor. The Council will elect a new chairman at the 1st August council.
Community Engagement
The Council will continue to hold an ‘Open Surgery prior to the commencement of full Council meetings to give residents the opportunity to meet and discuss issues directly with their councillors.
Veolia Plc Planning Application
Important Notice to all Residents in Belbroughton, Fairfield and Wildmoor
The Veolia PLC Incinerator Bottom Ash Planning Application
Veolia E.S. (U.K.) Ltd., have submitted a Full Planning Application to Worcestershire County Council seeking to build a permanent Ash Recycling Plant at Western Quarry, close to the Stoneybridge island (A491)
The full application can be viewed on the County Council website at: Quoting reference
• The Western Quarry is an old mineral working site, having as part of the original planning permission (107110/DC5060/5 – B2000/0015) a full restoration plan to return this site back to Green Belt. Veolia seek to overturn this by building an ‘incinerated bottom ash’ (IBA) plant on this site.
• IBA is the ash debris from burning household and industrial wastes and is a highly toxic material containing many metals and compounds (7 x more toxic than sewage). The stored ash piles (up to 6 metres high) will have to be sprayed with water and give off an alkaline odour PH11. There will be Noise, Dust and Smell from such a site. A significant number of households are within 200 metres of the site.
• Veolia’s tenant Ballast Phoenix Ltd (the proposed operator) intend to import the majority of this waste ash (120,000 tonnes per annum) into Worcestershire from their Shropshire, Battlefields and Staffordshire (Energy from Waste) sites before re-exporting the treated ash around the country. A minimum of 70 HGV’s per day are anticipated for this operation. The treatment of this ash is a ‘secondary recovery process’ which should be located as close as possible to the originating plant – the ‘proximity principle’.
• Bromsgrove District Council’s Local Plan and the National Planning Policy Framework (N.P.P.F.) both regard the Green Belt as land upon which decisions concerning development should be made with special emphasis on sustainability and environmental benefit. In Section 9 of the N.P.P.F. none of the listed exceptions to development within the Green Belt includes this type of activity for the proposed site. This is ‘inappropriate development’ and would bring unnecessary harm to the Green Belt. Veolia we feel have not demonstrated ‘very special circumstances’ for it.
• Veolia claims that it has carried out an ‘alternative site assessment’ on 139 sites and that the Sandy Lane site is their chosen site (which Veolia also happen to own ). In doing so Veolia appear to have ignored the recommendations and principles of Worcestershire’s Waste Core Strategy and their alternative site assessment is felt to be flawed.
• The application site is within a regionally important water protection zone for the Wildmoor Aquifer which serves some 19,500 households in Bromsgrove. The underlying sandstone strata is highly vulnerable to pollution. The proposed development cannot be connected to a main sewer and all liquid and leachate from the site would have to be removed by tankers. If the site flooded the aquifer could be polluted.
Your Parish Council has commissioned the services of a planning consultant to assist it with drawing up its own letter of objection which will be submitted to the County Council in early July. We however urge you to also write to the County Council with your comments on the Application as your individual letter will count more strongly than any other form of representation.
Please write: to Mr Steven Aldridge, Principal Planner at: Business, Environment & Community Directorate. County Hall, Spetchley Rd., Worcester, WR5 2NP or E mail to - BEFORE the 15th July 2016.
Parish News June
Veolia PLC - Sandy Lane Wildmoor
The County Council has accepted for consultation the amended planning application for the proposed incinerator bottom ash industrial facility. The additional information, together with the full planning application, the plans, Environmental Statement, Non-Technical Summary and other documents submitted with the application are available to view on: using the reference 13/000027/CM. We understand that the documents can also be viewed at Parkside Customer Service Centre, Market Street, Bromsgrove; Rubery Library, 7 Library Way, Rubery; and Worcs County Council, Spetchley Road, Worcester during office hours.
The Parish Council has employed the services of a planning consultant to examine in detail the application and the findings will help form the response it will give to the County Council in early July.
Queen’s 90th Birthday celebrations
The Council has given donations of £75 and £150 to assist with celebratory events taking place in Belbroughton and Fairfield over the weekend of 11th and 12th June.
Defibrillator – Belbroughton
The defibrillator is due to be installed on the wall adjacent to the Talbot public house this month. The facility available for the community due to the ongoing efforts of the Scarecrow Committee in obtaining its donation from the British Heart Foundation will be monitored and insured by the parish council. Training DVDs are available and while the ambulance service will give guidance via telephone should it be required, those interested in watching the DVD should contact the clerk or come to one of the viewing / training sessions due to be held across the summer and autumn months. Dates and times will be advised in future magazines.
Health check ups.
The Chairman of the parish council Dave Roberts reached the milestone of 65 in May and was surprised to be called by the NHS for an ‘Aortic Scan’. This only recently introduced preventative healthcheck is now available to men over 65 and he recommends that all qualifying men should seek this check via their G.P. ( He was relieved to be told his heart was in good condition ! )
Smart-water Crime prevention
The Council has set up a working group of councillors to assess the merits of a scheme for the whole parish area. Residents are welcome to give their comments on whether such a scheme should be progressed.
Community Engagement
The Council will continue prior to the commencement of full Council meetings to hold an ‘Open Surgery’ to enable residents to meet and discuss issues directly with their councillors.
Parish Council Website
The site is now operational and the content, including general community information, continues to be added. The site is
Council Meeting dates and Minutes
The agendas and minutes of council meetings along with future meeting dates are now available on the website. The next full council meetings are 4th July in a new venue at Fairfield Primary School
( this gives far more space than the previous venue) and 1st August in the Jubilee Room, Belbroughton Recreation Centre - both starting at 7.30 pm.
Parish News May
Veolia PLC - Sandy Lane Wildmoor
The County Council has accepted for consultation the amended planning application for the proposed incinerator bottom ash industrial facility. The additional information, together with the full planning application, the plans, Environmental Statement, Non-Technical Summary and other documents submitted with the application are available to view on: using the reference 13/000027/CM. We understand that the documents can also be viewed at Parkside Customer Service Centre, Market Street, Bromsgrove; Rubery Library, 7 Library Way, Rubery; and Worcs County Council, Spetchley Road, Worcester during office hours. The Parish Council along with other parties will examine the application carefully and submit comments to the County Council by early July.
First time with a computer?
Have you a friend or relative who wants to know how to use 'On Line' services and has nobody to ask? The Bromsgrove District Housing Trust will be holding further free drop in sessions to help people to use a computer and gain confidence with advice available on tablets, the internet, setting up e mail and much more! At Belbroughton Rec. Jubilee Room Tues 14th June 2.00pm - 4.00pm. At the Fairfield Villa F.C. clubhouse Tues 17th May 10.00a.m - 12.00pm
Parish Council Grants
The Council is inviting parish organisations to apply for capital grants for the current financial year.
A total of £4,500 is available to support parish bodies with projects or one-off items of expenditure. The Council normally meets up to 50% of the costs of an approved project.
The Council has also agreed to offer small grants to parish bodies who wish to apply for funds for expenditure which does not meet the usual criteria for a capital grant. This might be to fund a trip or outing, a speaker for a meeting, or the hire of a venue. These grants will be available to non-profit making organisations that can demonstrate that the grant will enhance parish life. Grants may be made for running costs for one off events. Application forms for these grants can be obtained from the Clerk and should be returned by 30th June.
Council Vacancy – Fairfield
Cllr. James McFarling due to work and family commitments has had to relinquish his role and thus there is a vacancy in the Fairfield Ward. This position is to be advertised and please contact the clerk if you are interested in finding out about the role of being a parish councillor and should you wish to apply for the position.
Logo Competition
The Parish Council has completed the process of formally changing its name to Belbroughton and Fairfield Parish Council. It would be appropriate to adopt a new logo for the council which better describes the parish to coincide with the change of name. The new logo will be used on the Council’s stationery and publicity materials. The Council would like to invite design ideas from all members of the community and it is hoped that a suitable design can be chosen from the entries. The logo should be attractive, optimistic and forward looking while having strong references to the area. The design could include features of the local environment, its geography, people, history, buildings, activities etc. Designs should be submitted either on A4 paper, or digitally in the form of a JPEG scan/photo or in a Word file. The winning artist will not only have the immeasurable pleasure of seeing their work on the Council’s website, stationery etc. but will also receive a prize of £100. It must be noted that the Parish Council will not be obliged to select a “winner” if it is judged that a suitable logo has not been submitted while the Council’s decision will be final. Closing date for the competition is 1 July 2016. We hope that you enjoy this challenge. Entries should be sent to the clerk.
Community Engagement
The Council will continue prior to the commencement of full Council meetings to hold an ‘Open Surgery’ to enable residents to discuss issues directly with their councillors.
Parish Council Website
The new site is now operational and the content, including general community information, continues to be added. The site is
Council Meeting dates and Minutes
The agendas and minutes of council meetings along with future meeting dates are now available on the website. The next full council meetings are 6th June in the Jubilee Room, Belbroughton Recreation Centre and 4th July in the Barton Room Fairfield Village Hall both starting at 7.30 pm.
Parish News April
Annual Parish Meeting A reminder that this year’s meeting will be held on Monday 25th April commencing at 7.00 p.m. at the Belbroughton Church Hall. All residents are welcome to attend.
First time with a computer?
Have you a friend or relative who wants to know how to use 'On Line' services and has nobody to ask? The Bromsgrove District Housing Trust will be holding 4 free drop in sessions to help people to use a computer and gain confidence with advice available on tablets, the internet, setting up e mail and much more.
At Belbroughton Rec. Jubilee Room Tues 31st May 10.00am - 12.00pm & Tues 14th June 2.00pm - 4.00pm.
At the Fairfield Villa F.C. clubhouse Tues 3rd May 10.00am - 12.00pm & Tues 17th May 10.00a.m - 12.00pm
Fairfield Community Association
The Council approved a donation of £75 to assist the Association with its events on 12th June celebrating the Queen’s 90th birthday.
The Green Belbroughton
Negotiations continue with the Developers of the adjacent site with the council taking advice from its legal advisers. The Council awaits the Developer signing the agreement which was agreed by both parties 12 months ago.
Parish Gardeners
James Callaghan and Bernard Edwards started their roles again in March maintaining the parish areas.
Logo Competition
The Parish Council has completed the process of formally changing its name to Belbroughton and Fairfield Parish Council. It would be appropriate to adopt a new logo for the council which better describes the parish to coincide with the change of name. The new logo will be used on the Council’s stationery and publicity materials. The Council would like to invite design ideas from all members of the community and it is hoped that a suitable design can be chosen from the entries. The logo should be attractive, optimistic and forward looking while having strong references to the area. The design could include features of the local environment, its geography, people, history, buildings, activities etc. Designs should be submitted either on A4 paper, or digitally in the form of a JPEG scan/photo or in a Word file. The winning artist will not only have the immeasurable pleasure of seeing their work on the Council’s website, stationery etc. but will also receive a prize of £100. It must be noted that the Parish Council will not be obliged to select a “winner” if it is judged that a suitable logo has not been submitted while the Council’s decision will be final. Closing date for the competition is 1 July 2016. We hope that you enjoy this challenge. Entries should be sent to the clerk.
Parish Projects
The bus shelters in Fairfield are set to be refurbished and planters will be put on the Stourbridge Rd entrances to the village. Work continues to create a footpath diversion across Brookfield Farm Belbroughton to make the route safer and walker friendly. The Council is happy to consider other projects, so please contact us with your ideas.
Community Engagement
The Council will continue prior to the commencement of full Council meetings to hold an ‘Open Surgery’ to enable residents to discuss issues directly with their councillors
Parish News March
Community Health - Mobility and Tai Chi
Sessions to keep muscles mobile and flexible are being held at the Belbroughton Recreation Centre on Mondays 9.45am-10.45 am for further information contact Hayley Gwilliam on 01527 881404.
First time with a computer?
On Monday 18th April Bromsgrove District Housing Trust will have their ‘Computer Bus’ on site for anyone to call in and learn more about computers – primarily aimed at people who have little or no experience of the digital world but would like information and guidance. The bus will be parked at the Belbroughton Recreation Centre 10.00am – 12.00pm and at the Fairfield Recreation Centre 1.00pm-3.00pm. For more information contact Rachael Tooth on 01527 557599.
The Belbroughton Scarecrow Committee have now secured delivery of the defibrillator via the British Heart Foundation and in partnership with the council and The Talbot the machine and cabinet should be in place shortly.
Parish Room, Belbroughton
The council has agreed to continue to let the room when the present lease expires at the end of June and agents Walton and Hipkiss have been appointed to market the property.
Stourbridge Road, Fairfield – pedestrian crossing
The council will investigate with the County Council the feasibility of a crossing being put in place close to the lane leading to the primary school.
Representatives from the Police will be attending the Annual Parish Meeting (25th April) to explain to residents this crime prevention initiative.
Community Engagement
The Council will continue prior to the commencement of full Council meetings to hold an ‘Open Surgery’ to enable residents to discuss issues directly with their councillors.
Annual Parish Meeting A reminder that this year’s meeting will be held on Monday 25th April commencing at 7.00 p.m. at the Belbroughton Church Hall. All residents are welcome to attend.
Parish Lengthsman
Nigel Williamson has been appointed the new Parish Lengthsman following David Aldridge’s retirement at the end of March. Nigel is looking forward to meeting up with residents as he goes about clearing gullies known to have potential flooding risks and areas of overgrown vegetation.
Parish Council Website
The new site is now operational and the content, including general community information, continues to be added. The site is
Council Meeting dates and Minutes
The agendas and minutes of council meetings along with future meeting dates are now available on both websites. The next full council meetings are 4th April in the Barton Room, Fairfield Village Hall and 8th May in the Jubilee Room, Belbroughton Recreation Centre
Parish News February
Grit bins
The council has 21 green bins across the parish and as the winter progresses the grit is starting to be used by residents. Whilst councillors check the contents periodically should you find that your bin requires a refill please contact the clerk.
Speed limits
Council agreed to endorse the proposals from the County Council to reduce the speed limit from 50 mph to 40 mph on Hartle Lane Belbroughton from its junction with the A491, and to introduce a 30 mph limit or parts of Top Road and Wildmoor Road, Wildmoor. It also approved pressing for a reduction on Quantry Lane, Bell Heath from 40 mph to 30 mph.
Council approved the recommendations from the Finance Committee not to use the services of an Independent Financial Advisor but to invest reserves into a mix of one to three year fixed rate investments directly with institutions which must be part of the Financial Services Compensation Scheme.
Community Engagement
Council noted the report from the ‘Working Group’ and approved holding, for a three month trial period, prior to the commencement of Council meetings an ‘Open Surgery’ to enable residents to discuss issues with their councillors.
I.T. Courses
Council approved providing to the Bromsgrove District Housing promotional support and up to £200 contribution towards the costs of room hire to hold computer training sessions in Belbroughton and Fairfield for individuals with nil or minimal computer skills. Details of these courses will be released shortly.
Parish Council Precept 2016/17
The Council id seeking a reduced Precept of £60,000 (2015/16 £65,000) for the next financial year 2016/17. This reduction will be shown on your Council Tax bill which is sent to householders in March.
Annual Parish Meeting This year’s meeting will held on Monday 25th April at 7.00 p.m. at the Belbroughton Church Hall. All residents are welcome to attend.
Vacancy for Lengthsman role
From 1st April 2016, the Parish Council is looking to appoint a new Parish Lengthsman to carry out small scale maintenance works.
The role is 5 hours a week on an annual (renewable) contract of employment including 25hrs holiday entitlement.
Or, this could be a ‘contract for services’ to a self-employed individual.
General duties to include :-
Ensure gullies are regularly checked and cleared as required.
Vegetation clearance to improve road signage and footway visibility.
Cleaning of signage.
Ensuring the council green grit bins are filed.
Advise landowners when ditches need clearing.
Training courses are periodically run by Worcestershire County Council which would require to be attended.
Pay rate range: £11.50 - £12.25 per hour.
For further information and an application form please contact John Farrell, Parish Clerk on 01299 270722 or
e mail
Applications are requested by 22nd February.
Parish News January 2016
Parish Council Precept 2016/17
Council approved requesting a reduced Precept of £60,000 (2015/16 £65,000) for the next financial year 2016/17. This reduction will be shown on your Council Tax bill which is sent to householders in March.
Annual Parish Meeting This year’s meeting will held on 25th April at 7.00 p.m. at the Belbroughton Church Hall.
Ballast Phoenix Ltd / Veolia PLC. – Incinerator Bottom Ash Facility.
The Council has agreed to work together with adjoining parish councils and local bodies to ensure that the planning application is fully understood prior to an expected forthcoming public consultation period, the dates of which are yet to be published by the County Council.
Leaves - Works on a number of Belbroughton footways have been carried out promptly by Parish Council contractors who were asked to deal with the sites pending the District Council finding the capacity to undertake the role.
Lights A new replacement light column has been installed on Stourbridge Rd close to the A491 roundabout and the failed light on The Glebe, Belbroughton has been repaired.
Superfast Broadband ‘Superfast Worcestershire’ want to hear from businesses and residents if they cannot receive the ‘Superfast’ service . A response form is available via and should be submitted by 31st January 2016.
Fairfield Notice Boards
Council approved a maximum cost of £1,200, to be taken from contingency funds, for the provision of two new boards, to be situated at the Village Hall and the Recreation Ground (close to the school) plus the refurbishment of the current board situated outside the Post Office.
Hedges - Galtons Lane, Belbroughton - The hedge was cut by Worcestershire County Council on 23rd December after many months of both the P.C. and W.C.C. unsuccessfully requesting that the land owner carries out the work.
Parish Lengthsman
David Aldridge our Lengthsman for the last 11 years will be retiring from the position in April. He has given the Parish wonderful service and the council wishes formally to express their thanks to him. The recruitment process has now started to bring in a new individual and should you be interested in being considered for this part time role of approximately 5 hours a week please contact the parish clerk.
Planning Decisions
The following application has been considered by the District Council - Land at Chapel Lane and Heath End Road Belbroughton – Erection of building to provide three stables - Approved.
Local Flood Risk Management Strategy - Comments are requested by 29th February 2016 on the County Council draft strategy which is available to view at
A ‘Vegetation Survey’ close to the overhead power lines and pylons is in process of being carried out by National Grid over Parish Council land holdings.
Parish News December 2015
Ballast Phoenix Ltd / Veolia PLC.
The Environment Agency have agreed to issue the permit to Ballast Phoenix Ltd for the operation of the incinerator bottom ash industrial facility in Sandy Lane Wildmoor. The parish council is now seeking from the County Council the timeframe for the necessary planning application which is required by the site owners Veolia Plc.
P.A.C.T. Bournheath PC is arranging a PACT meeting on Friday 8th January 2016 at Bournheath Village community centre, starting at 7pm. Belbroughton and Fairfield residents are invited to attend to discuss ‘Police and Community’ matters relevant to the ‘Bromsgrove North and Rural’ policing area. The council will be seeking guidance on the possible usage of CCTV in Fairfield as a crime prevention measure.
The Green Belbroughton
Health and Safety work has been carried out on The Green following replacement of the Christmas lights with new energy efficient ‘warm white’ led bulbs. A trench has been dug to bury the new electric cabling and our approved electrician has attended to the connections. This work replaces the previous trailing ‘head height’ cable which was unsatisfactory.
Parish Lengthsman
David Aldridge our Lengthsman for the last 11 years will be retiring from the position next April. He has given the Parish wonderful service and the council wishes formally to express their thanks to him. The recruitment process has now started to bring in a new individual and should you be interested in being considered for this part time role of approximately 5 hours a week please contact the parish clerk.
Planning Decisions
The following applications have been considered by the District Council. Brookhouse Farm, Sandy lane Wildmoor - Conversion of former redundant stable building into residential accommodation and conversion of a redundant barn into residential dwelling. Approved.
The Lodge, Hartle Lane, Belbroughton - Conversion of a double garage into living room. Approved. Brookfield House, Hackmans Gate Lane, Belbroughton - Complete replacement of render on west facing wall of the house. Approved.
Agricultural Holdings
The Council agreed upon their next renewal that the Farm Business Tenancy agreements are to include a statement requesting tenants, where possible, to avoid the feeding of crops grown on Parish Council land to livestock being raised for the non-stun slaughter meat industry.
Invitation - Weds 9th December 6.30 p.m. - Belbroughton Christmas Lights Switch On?
Please join us at The Green next Wednesday evening for a short carol service and to see the switching on of the new Belbroughton Christmas lights. Your Parish Council has recently replaced the aged and failing lights on the fir tree with a new energy efficient set of warm white lights. The evening is in conjunction with the Scarecrow Committee who will have a nativity display at Sylvester's Corner. Please see the attachment with full details which you may wish to share with other residents.
(The new lights have been funded from the Council's income it achieves from its capital assets and investments, and not from the Precept)
With best wishes for a Merry Christmas
New Parish Council Website:
The fresh looking website is in course of preparation and its content will steadily build over the coming months. It is though accessible now, Cllrs. would value residents feedback on its appearance and content : -
Post Office services in Belbroughton - Consultation
Please go to the page on 'Consultation Papers' to read the letter issued by the Post Office which explains the review and gives methods of responding.
Parish News November 2015
Traffic Calming: The Council approved three short term measures:
a)An education campaign for drivers in the parish on the dangers of excess speed and risk to other road users via websites/blogs/newsletter. To include raising the awareness in the communities about reporting traffic incidents/concerns to the police and Parish Council so that evidence can be gathered.
b) Ensure that all existing road speed signage is clear to road users. This will probably involve a request to county for the re-painting of road surfaces, if thought appropriate.
c) Consideration to be given to the need for new signage or road markings e.g. horses, elderly crossing, farm vehicles, dragon teeth etc.
P.A.C.T Bournheath PC is arranging a PACT meeting on Friday 8th January 2016 at Bournheath Village community centre, starting at 7pm. Belbroughton and Fairfield residents are invited to attend to discuss Police and Community matters relevant to the ‘Bromsgrove North and Rural’ policing area.
Travellers Incursions Bromsgrove Council have updated their website for advice on unlawful encampments. The page is accessed from ‘My Place-Encampments of Gypsies and Travellers’.
The initial introduction page is the same with the link to the Joint Policy and the contact link box to PSH contact page to ‘Enquire about an encampment’.
There is a box to link to Worcestershire County Council relevant pages.
There is a link to a separate page of summary advice on protective measures for private land ‘How Can I Protect my Land’ with a contact link to the Police for more advice.
There is a link to a page called ‘A Legal Summary’ This summarises the Police Powers and the legal position in relation to public and private land and waste.
Ballast Phoenix Ltd / Veolia PLC.
Council has noted that the Environment Agency are expected to release their decision on the permit application in the week beginning 9th November. We understand that your M.P. has written to the E.A. requesting that they explain fully to him their reasoning for the decision.
Road gritting run Fairfield - Despite the Parish Council requesting an adjustment to the route back in August the County Council has advised us that there will be no consideration of any changes to extend routes until the ‘summer’ of 2016.
Digital Inclusion Council approved working with the Bromsgrove District Housing Trust who are aiming to set up Information Technology courses in the area to educate and promote the using of computers.
New Parish Council Website
This fresh communication channel continues to be developed by the Council. The new site is now available to view and the content is steadily being added. The site is www.belbroughtonandfairfield-pc@info and councillors will be very pleased to receive feedback from residents on how it looks so far.
Parish News October 2015
The Birmingham Resilience Project
Severn Trent are holding a number of public information sessions illustrating their preferred route for the water pipeline which will take water from the River Severn at Lickhill and pump it to the water treatment works at Frankley. These meetings will be at the Church Hall Bradford Lane Belbroughton on Thursday 22nd and Friday 23rd October and at The Bell Inn Bromsgrove Rd Belbroughton on Monday 9th November. All sessions run from 2.00pm until 7.30 pm. Further information is available on the Severn Trent website The consultants ‘PPS’ working for Severn Trent may also be contacted on 0800 169 6507.
New Parish Council Website
This fresh communication channel is being developed by the Council which will in due course replace the existing ‘My Parish’ site used via the County Council. The new site is now available to view and the content is steadily being added. The site is www.belbroughtonandfairfield-pc@info and councillors will be very pleased to receive feedback from residents on how it looks so far. The Council will continue to provide information through the Parish magazine.
Planning Decisions
These decisions have been advised to us by the District Council:-
15/0704 Box Tree Cottage Dordale Rd - replacement conservatory and garage – approved.
15/0428 Island House Drayton Rd Belbroughton – replacement of a conservatory and a number of windows – approved.
15/0636 Chadwich Grange Farm Malthouse Lane Chadwich – Conversion of three agricultural buildings into residential use including the demolition of one agricultural barn – Approved.
15/0383 Apple Trees Cottage 11 Bradford Lane Belbroughton – Extension – Approved.
Financial and Investment Strategy
The Council has reviewed it’s strategy and approved a slightly amended version which is available to read on the ‘My Parish’ website. Paper copies are also available upon application to the clerk. The document sets out the strategy for managing the significant assets owned by your Council.
Sylvester’s Corner Belbroughton
The Council has approved the planting of new bulbs to brighten up this area for next spring.
Council and general public information
The Council has a growing database of residents who now receive information by e mail. If you are not yet part of this and would like to receive additional and timely information please send your contact details to the clerk.
Parish News September 2015
Capital Grants
Grants have been approved for the Belbroughton Recreation Centre of £1,161 towards the costs of new fencing, and to the Belbroughton Church Hall of £1,598 to assist with the costs of improving disability access.
Minor Grants
These have been approved at £250 each to the Fairfield Social Group, WRVS More the Merrier Club and the Fairfield Welcome Club.
Parish Projects
Approval and funding of £6,000 been agreed for four projects:
a. A footpath diversion near to Hackmans Gate Lane Belbroughton will be sought to produce a safer walking route.
b. Upgrading of the four bus shelters along Stourbridge Road Fairfield.
c. Wooden planters at either end of Fairfield village and general gardening improvements around the village hall.
d. Belbroughton High Street, the purchase and installation of new Christmas lights to replace the very aged set.
The funds for the Grants and Projects is sourced from the income achieved from the Parish Council’s assets and not from the Precept (The Precept is your Council tax contribution to the Parish Council).
Grit bin
A new bin will be purchased at a cost of £150 which is to be sited at Woodfield Lane, Bell Heath.
Commonwealth Day
Approval was given for the purchase of two flags to commemorate Commonwealth Day which next year falls on 14th March
Planning Decisions
These decisions have been advised to us by the District Council:-
15/0564 Hurls Crest Quantry Lane Belbroughton - Single storey front extension - Granted
15/0452 Island House Drayton Rd Belbroughton – to provide wooden shutters to 5 internal windows to the front elevation and 1 to the rear elevation – Granted.
150403 Croppings Green Cottage Dordale Rd Bournheath – Two storey extension – Refused.
Hedge Maintenance
This wet summer has seen a great deal of hedge and tree growth, residents should periodically check if they have hedges they own that are encroaching onto public footways and footpaths and to arrange for the areas to be trimmed as required
Sandy Lane IBA facility- draft permit decision? and 'Drop in' Event. Thursday 10th September
The Environment Agency has just issued its 'minded to' decision on the application by Ballast Phoenix Ltd for a permit to operate an incinerator bottom ash industrial process at the Veolia PLC site in Sandy Lane, Wildmoor. The link below gives the full detail.
The E.A. have now confirmed that they will hold a drop in session on Thursday 10 September between 15.30-20.00 at Fairfield Village Hall, Stourbridge Road, Fairfield, Bromsgrove, Worcestershire, B61 9LZ.
We are advised that the aim of the informal drop-in session is to provide an insight into the permitting process and answer any questions that residents may have about environmental permits and discuss any new issues to raise about the application. It will not be a consultation or public meeting but an opportunity to understand the planning and permitting process better.
If you would like to send any questions you already have then the E.A. would be happy to prepare some answers for the drop in session. These should be addressed to Ms Louisa Martinez Medina the Customers and Engagement Officer via
We would advise that Worcester County Council is yet to complete consideration of the planning application from Veolia PLC for the necessary changes of use at the site.
Parish News August 2015
The Green Belbroughton
The Council’s solicitors still await confirmation of the acceptance of the terms of the agreement by the Developer. The position remains as previously approved by Council that if the terms are unaltered then the Council Chairman and the Chair of Finance Committee will sign the agreement on behalf of the Council. However any requested changes in the ‘Terms’ would need to come back to Council for consideration.
Annual Parish Report
Council has approved the ‘Annual Report’ which has been e mailed to residents. It will also be distributed to resident’s homes during July and August.
Belbroughton Defibrillator
The Council is working with the Belbroughton Scarecrow Committee to place the Committee’s funded lifesaving equipment onto a site in the High Street and take on the future monitoring of its servicing and the organising of training for residents.
Veolia Sandy Lane Landfill
The site closed for the acceptance of waste in landfill operations on 4th July, a capping contractor is now on site carrying out works to cap the site, this is a ten week project that started on the 1st June and is due to be completed by the 7th August, thereafter top soil will be applied above the cap followed by seeding of grass and local vegetation.
Planning Decisions
The following decisions have been advised by the District Council:
15/0393 Full Planning Application 4 Hartle Lane Belbroughton - Change of use from B1 office to C3 dwelling (Renewal of permission 12/0442). Approved.
15/0521 Full Planning Application The Pines. Heath End Rd. Belbroughton - Rear single storey extension. Approved.
15/0497 Full Planning Application Fernliegh, Woodfield Lane Bell Heath - Proposed first floor extension at the rear to form new bedroom and ensuite. Approved.
15/0523 The Glebeland Surgery , The Glebe, Belbroughton, - Proposed Extension Approved.
Maintenance Grants
These have been agreed:- Belbroughton P.C.C. £2,080 - Belbroughton Church Hall £695 - Fairfield Village Hall £695 and Belbroughton Recreation Centre £1,155.
Footway Lighting
A street light close to the A491 roundabout on Stourbridge Rd, Fairfield, which has a corroded column, will be replaced with a new light funded by the parish council
Parish News July 2015
Belbroughton Tidy up
The Council and Belbroughton residents were fortunate to benefit from a day’s improvements to the centre of the village courtesy of Ringway Plc. The operatives giving their time at no cost repainted railings along part of High Street and the bus shelter opposite the Talbot PH. In addition a large pot hole was repaired on the Church Hall Carpark. They also put down a new tarmac surface at Sylvester’s Corner and the Parish Council has had the two benches repaired and re varnished.
Fairfield First World War memorial
Five Worcestershire species fruit trees have been planted at Fairfield Recreation Ground
representing the five years of conflict during the Great War and to commemorate those from the
village who gave their lives. A plaque was unveiled on 6th June by former District Cllr. Janice Boswell who had donated monies to the Parish Council from her ‘Ward Members Fund’ to contribute towards the costs of the memorial. At the ceremony Cllr. Chris Scurrell vice-Chairman of the Parish Council reminded those present of the names of the 25 fallen men who had lived in Fairfield, Wildmoor and parts of Bournheath, the majority of whom were aged in their early 20s. A 2 minute silence was observed and Parish Cllr. Trevor Jones gave the Exhortation.
The fruit trees are located on the parish council land adjacent to the lane to the primary school
and will serve for many years as a reminder for present and future generations of the sacrifice
given by these men. The Parish Council will ensure that this new orchard area is maintained in
good condition. For further information about the soldiers from the entire Parish area visit the website then picking ‘ Parish clerk links’ please then select ‘Remember the Fallen’. A hard copy document is also available to view at St Mark’s Church Fairfield.
Dog Fouling
A reminder to dog walkers to clear up after their dogs when walking on both Fairfield & Belbroughton recreation grounds. There are dog waste bins available at both sites. Sadly there has recently been an increase in the amount of dog waste not cleared up by owners. This is obviously most unpleasant not only when hand strimming grass, but also, as we are now in the school holiday season, for anyone using the recreation areas for their intended purpose.
Parish News June 2015
The New Council
Cllr. Dave Roberts was elected Chairman and Cllr. Chris Scurrell Vice-Chairman at the first meeting of the new Council on 18th May. The Chairman welcomed returning councillors and the new members Cllrs. Janice Boswell, Simon Nock, Gemma Parsons and Scott MacDonald. The Planning and Finance Committees were formed along with new ‘working groups’ to look at Traffic Calming, Footway Lighting and Council procedures. At the Council meeting 1st June the vacancy in Fairfield Ward was filled by Mr James McFarling. Your Council now has its full complement of 14 Cllrs. whose contact details can be found at the ‘My Parish’ website, these will also be available as a paper copy on the Annual Parish Report which will be delivered to residents in August.
Wildmoor Quarry Extension Scoping report
The Council has responded to the County Council senior planner listing concerns raised in this report. Notably, a. the potential adverse effect on the aquifer that supplies drinking water, b. landfill restoration of the proposed site appeared at odds with the County Council Waste Core Strategy regarding movement of ‘Construction and Demolition’ waste, c. A proposed materials recycling facility is not a permitted development in the Green Belt, d. Wildmoor is not included in the Core Strategy identified suitable sites for waste management facilities, e. The need for an adequate public consultation since none had been held to the Council’s knowledge.
Broadband Connection Voucher Scheme
In April 2015, a new scheme was launched in Worcestershire to enable eligible businesses and voluntary organisations to claim grants of up to £3000 towards the cost of upgrading to superfast broadband. Businesses and voluntary sector organisation can apply individually or they
can apply as a group. A simplified form for businesses to complete is available: Please visit: and
Dial a Ride Community Transport
This scheme is available for all residents living in the Belbroughton ward but will only operate if there are sufficient numbers registering. The Service is to be available on a Tuesday and Thursday and for more details and to register interest please ring 0121 453 9682.
Parish Council Name
The council is in discussions with the District council regarding the procedures for a change of name of the council to include Fairfield. If you have any views on a change of name please speak to a councilor or the clerk.
Parish News May 2015
Village upkeep
The gardeners James Callaghan and Bernard Edwards started work again this month along with the new contractors for grass mowing. The parish Lengthsman David Aldridge has spent many hours over the winter clearing gullies and ditches to assist with water drainage. The Lengthsman scheme has been renewed for 2015/16 and means local tidying will be dealt with again by David who is familiar with the areas that cause concern.
Sylvester’s Corner Belbroughton
The new hawthorn tree has been planted, being the replacement for the Sorbus that had to be removed for safety reasons. Councillors have agreed funds for planting of shrubs and plants on the site and will be reviewing its overall maintenance.
Dial a Ride Community Transport
This scheme is available for all residents living in the Belbroughton ward but will only operate if there are sufficient numbers registering. The Service is to be available on a Tuesday and Thursday and for more details and to register interest please ring 0121 453 9682.
Parish Council Grants
The Council is inviting parish organisations to apply for capital grants for the current financial year.
A total of £5,000 is available to support parish bodies with projects or one-off items of expenditure. The Council normally meets up to 50% of the costs of an approved project.
The Council has also agreed to offer small grants to parish bodies who wish to apply for funds for expenditure which does not meet the usual criteria for a capital grant. This might be to fund a trip or outing, a speaker for a meeting, or the hire of a venue. These grants will be available to non-profit making organisations that can demonstrate that the grant will enhance parish life. Grants may be made for running costs for one off events.
Application forms for these grants can be obtained from the Clerk and should be returned by 30th June.
Council Vacancy – Fairfield
The new council sits for the first time on 18th May. There will be 8 councillors for Belbroughton and 5 for Fairfield. This means that there is a vacancy in the Fairfield Ward. This position is being advertised and please contact the clerk if you are interested in finding out about the role of being a parish councillor and should you wish to apply for the position.
The Green Belbroughton
The council has approved a metal detector survey of the area.
Parish Council Name
The council is in discussions with the District council regarding the procedures for a change of name of the council to include Fairfield. If you have any views on a change of name please speak to a councilor or the clerk.