Change of use of land for the siting of 3 cabins to be used for holiday accommodation.
21/01397/OUT Station House, Newnham Bridge
Outline application for the erection of 5 self build dwellings. Demolition of existing greenhouses.
To be discussed at our meeting on 8th September.
Revised plans - February 2022. To be discussed at our meeting on 1st March
21/00998/FUL Newnham Farm, The Farmhouse, Road From A443 To River Teme, Newnham Bridge, WR15 8JF
Erection of a specialist farm manager's dwelling to include associated landscaping, access and drainage
This is being discussed by the Parish Council using delegated powers and not at a scheduled meeting. Comments please by 9th July.
Knighton Lodge, Knighton on Teme.
Conversion of 1 dwelling to 2 dwellings