Parish Publications
Following the passing of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 the Parish Council will now publicise the availability of information about its affairs. The public have a general right of access to many types of recorded information held by public authorities. Any person who makes a request to a public authority for information must be informed whether the public authority holds that information and, subject to exemptions, will be supplied with that information.
Design a poster
Young artists - design a poster to try and combat the increase in dog fouling
Newsletter- Spring 2020
Here is the latest newsletter from your Parish Council.
Covid 19 Virus
Covid 19 virus advice
Result of By-Election _October 2019
The election result is posted here.
Notice of Election dated 10th October 2019
A by-election has been called in Warndon Parish South. This document gives details.
For all interested parties there will be a Candidates meeting on the 14th October at 18.00hrs at the Guildhall. Contact Electoral Services on 01905 722530 for further information.
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