Parish Publications

Following the passing of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 the Parish Council will now publicise the availability of information about its affairs. The public have a general right of access to many types of recorded information held by public authorities. Any person who makes a request to a public authority for information must be informed whether the public authority holds that information and, subject to exemptions, will be supplied with that information.


Suckley Parish Map

An electronic version of the map erected in the Village Hall car park as a guide to the parish and its footpaths.

Notice of Election - May 2nd 2019

Formal notice of the elections scheduled for May 2nd 2019 and procedures to be followed. All queries MUST be directed to MHDC's officer as shown in the document.

Privacy Notice for Data Protection Act 2018/ General Data Protection Regulations

As required by the 2018 Data Proection Act and General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR), we are publishing here and on Facebook page the parish council's policy document in respect of personal data ("the Privacy Notice").

Suckley Newsletter - October 2015

Issue 31. The newsletter is a Parish Council initiative, established following suggestions from the community. It is self-funding from advertising revenue: no cost is incurred by the ratepayers.

Suckley Newsletter - August 2015

Issue 30.
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