Parish Services
General parish council services
The Parish Council own and are responsible for the Defibrillator in the phone kiosk on School Road
The Parish Council own and are responsible for all parish streetlights
The Parish Council owns and is responsible for all play equipment on The Close and Recresation Field
The Parish Council own and are responsible for the parish cemetery and its administration
The Parish Council has a Lenghtsman to carry out minor highway works - issues to be reported to the Clerk
Defibrillator for public use 24/7
A Defibrillator for public use 24/7 is sited on School Road in the red telephone kiosk
Tennis in the MUGA
To gain access to the tennis net storage box please phone the Clerk 01789 773 999 for the storage box lock code
Allotment Plots
The Parish Council own and are responsible for the 10 allotment plots on the recereation field please contact the Clerk for more details
Parish Streetlights
The Parish council ownes and is responsible for all the streeetlighs in the parish
An upgrade project started in 2017 to improve all the streetlights to modern LED lanterns thereby reducing maintenance and enaery costs
The upgrade project will continue in pheses untill all the streetlights are upgraded to steel columns and LED lights