Parish Services


Lengthsman The Parish Lengthsman looks after the highways verges and drainage. Duties include • Clearing gully grates • Digging out blocked gullies • Clearing verge grips • Clearing headwalls • Rodding blocked drains if practical • Advising landowners & frontagers when their ditches need cleaning. • Might clear ditches in exceptional circumstances. • Cleaning dirty signs (but not illuminated signs) • Removing vegetation obstructing signs and removing noxious weeds. • Siding out footways to normal width. • Negotiating with frontagers for them to cut back overhanging vegetation. Also has authority to clear snow and ice from the highways and apply grit/sand; remove illegal fly postings, site and monitor Vehicle Activated Signs. This service is delivered by the Parish Council thanks to delegated authority and funding provided by Worcestershire County Council.

Village Hall Booking

If you wish to book Bentley Village Hall or find out about any events happening in the village, please contact: Mrs June Brazier Tel : 01527 403950