Welcome to Upper Arley Parish Council

The Parish covers a mainly rural area in the north of Worcestershire, in the Wyre Forest District. The River Severn flows through the Parish, and quite a large area, particularly to the west of the river, forms part of the ancient Forest of Wyre.

The Parish itself is made up of three small villages - Upper Arley itself, Pound Green and Shatterford.

Arley lies on the banks of the river, and welcomes large numbers of visitors, particularly to its church, the Arley Arboretum, and the peaceful banks of the Severn.

Shatterford is well known for the Shatterford Lakes and Wildlife Park, and the Bellmans Cross Public House and restaurant.

Pound Green has its ancient Common, as well as attracting cyclists and walkers to the forest glades and paths.

A feature of the Parish is the Severn Valley Railway, running along the west bank of the River Severn. Arley Station brings thousands of visitors to the area every year.

Contact the Parish Council

Emergency Alerts in Worcestershire

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Parish Notice Board

Click on the Parish Notice Board to view Parish Notices

Police Surgery Saturday 4th May 2024

Neighbourhood Matters
The Police
Crime Prevention : Sat 04 May 10:00, Upper Arley

We are encouraging the public to have their say. Your local Safer Neighbourhood Team will be available in the mobile police station near to Arley Memorial Hall Car Park on Saturday 4th May between 10:00am and 11:00am.

Please take this opportunity to raise any concerns you may have and to find out what we are doing to tackle the issues that matter to you.

Everyone is welcome and it would be great to see you there. Message Sent By
Jeni Bray
(Police, PCSO, Bewdley & Rural SNT)
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Images of Upper Arley

Shatterford Village Hall View of Arley View from St. Peter's Church, Upper Arley
Italian Garden Arley Arboretum Arley Arboretum River Severn from Arley Footbridge

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