Welcome to Hill and Moor Parish Council

The parish of Hill and Moor comprises the villages of Lower Moor south of the A44, neighbouring Upper Moor and Hill, a tiny settlement up on the slope above the A44 and straddling the road to Bishampton.

Centuries ago, the plain where Lower Moor lies was marshland and Hill is therefore possibly the older settlement. Even so, it may be that Iron Age people had a small settlement in the marshland. The oldest part of Lower Moor is at the western end centred around Bridge Street, Church Lane and part of Maytree Road where several thatched cottages can still be seen.

As time went on the village crept along Manor Road and Blacksmiths Lane as far as Salters Lane, which probably got its name because salt from Droitwich was taken down the lane to be loaded onto boats in the river beyond Springhill Farm.

Blacksmiths Lane has obvious links with the local blacksmith. who had his forge where three bungalows now stand.

There was no church in Lower Moor until the 19th century, and the villagers would cross the fields to Fladbury on what is now called Porters footpath for church services, christenings, weddings and funerals. The footpath possibly got its name because coffins would have to be carried along it to the church, and later fruit and vegetables would be taken to Fladbury station to go to markets all over the country. The name Cherry Orchard road also reminds us that this was a fruit growing area.

Local people would work at Springhill Farm, and my house, the oldest in Salters Lane, once had an acre of land where the pigman for the farm kept pigs which rooted around amongst fruit trees. My garden shed still contains an old copper where food for the pigs would be boiled.

When I first came to Lower Moor, Colonel Bomford who owned Spring Hill farm invited villagers on a summer evening to supper in his garden, where we could wander at will and enjoy its charms.

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