Welcome to Bretforton Parish Council

The Parish Council is the third tier of local government, after the County Council and the District Council, but it is a non-political body. It is at the "grass roots" and is in the best position to represent the views of the local community.

Bretforton Parish Council has nine Councillors and a Clerk.The full Council currently meets on the second Monday of every month. The meeting is preceeded by Open Forum which takes place between 7.15-7.30pm and is open to all to attend.

Contact the Parish Council

Emergency Alerts in Worcestershire

Emergency Alert

Parish Notice Board

Click on the Parish Notice Board to view Parish Notices

Annual Governance Statement and Accountability Return 2017-18

 Annual Governance Statement and Accountability Return 2017-18

This includes Internal Audit Report 2017-18, Annual Governance Statement and Accounting Statements together with Confirmation of the dates of the period for the exercise of public rights
Go to Notice Board

Images of Bretforton

The Fleece Inn Bridge St, Bretforton Asparagus Festival
The Fleece Inn Church Open Air Asparagus Service Map

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