Welcome to Belbroughton Parish Council

Belbroughton and Fairfield Parish Council serves the villages/wards of Belbroughton and Fairfield in North East Worcestershire with 8 and 6 councillors respectively. The villages, although now largely rural, were once the centre for Scythe making in the case of Belbroughton and nail making in the case of Fairfield.
The Council operates its own website belbroughtonandfairfield-pc.info where more information is available along with links to the local community.

Contact the Parish Council

Emergency Alerts in Worcestershire

Emergency Alert

Parish Notice Board

Click on the Parish Notice Board to view Parish Notices

Parish News Future Updates

News and information from the Parish Council is now accessible via the website  belbroughtonandfairfield-pc.info or by signing up to our group e mail database by contacting the clerk at  belbroughtonpc@live.co.uk
Go to Notice Board

Images of Belbroughton

Defib Local Council Award 2015 Belbroughton Aerial
Belbroughton Defibrillator Holy Trinity church Belbroughton Aerial

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