Welcome to Finstall Parish Council

Finstall is a village and civil parish in the Bromsgrove District of Worcestershire, with a population of 591 according to the Census data of 2001.
Finstall Park, the home ground of Bromsgrove RFC, can be found in the village along with Bromsgrove Cricket, Tennis and Hockey Club. There are playing fields with a football pitch and playground equipment at Penmanor.
The village hall was presented to the parish in 1904 by Miss Albright. Current hall users include 'Little Village Preschool', Cub Scouts, the WI and many other groups. It is also the meeting place for the Parish Council and a notice board with meeting details can be found outside the village hall.
Finstall also has one pub - The Cross, and several other businesses.

Contact the Parish Council

Emergency Alerts in Worcestershire

Emergency Alert

Parish Notice Board

Click on the Parish Notice Board to view Parish Notices

Our new website

 Please take a look at our new website : Finstall Parish Council – Serving the people of Finstall. We shall be moving our documents and news items to this new site over the next few months.
Go to Notice Board

Images of Finstall

The Scorpions - Finstall Band from the 60's In the field by Heydon Road Tulips Shop 1980's
Near Pikes Pool Lane Railway bridge off Heydon Road 1980s Spring Cleaning at the Village Hall 1930's

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