Welcome to Powick Parish Council

Working within a legal and development framework, Parish Councils form the first tier of local government.

Parish Councils:-

• are the democratic voice of the community,
• have legal powers to provide community services and facilities,
• influence the decisions made by others on the way our community is developed,
• have a statutory right to be consulted on local planning applications.

The Parish Council is not answerable to the other two tiers of local councils (Malvern Hills District Council & Worcestershire County Council), but we must make decisions in an open, accountable and transparent way.
An annual budget is set each year and accounts are subject to internal and external audit. To fund the budget the Parish Council sets a precept, which is an amount of money included in your council tax bill for financing the work undertaken in the community.

Contact the Parish Council

Emergency Alerts in Worcestershire

Emergency Alert

Parish Notice Board

Click on the Parish Notice Board to view Parish Notices


 The Parish Council website will move to a new web address with effect from 1st March 2022.

New web address is www.powick-pc.org.uk

Thank you.
Go to Notice Board

Images of Powick

St James Church Callow End Stanbrook Abbey River Severn
St Peters Church Powick Old Powick Bridge Powick towards Malvern Hills

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