Welcome to Bushley Parish Council


The Parish of Bushley is located on the west bank of the River Severn two miles north west of Tewkesbury. It consists of the twin settlements of Bushley and Bushley Green, separated and surrounded by gently undulating traditional farmland. (Historical and present day maps are shown in the publications section.) It covers an area of approximately 1800 acres and has a current population of around 300.

Recorded in the Doomsday Book of 1086, the settlement was named at that time Biselege or Bissele, meaning ‘the wooded pasture’ and it was part of the great Malvern Chase.

The village architecture is predominantly small scale two storey dwellings, most of which date from the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries. Some are richly detailed and the older buildings were restored during the Victorian era. Part of the village falls within a Conservation Area and there are a number of listed buildings throughout the parish.

A prominent focal point is the spire of the parish church of St. Peters, built in 1843 on the site of two previous churches. Adjacent to the Church is the Village Hall which has a generous activity space with bar, kitchen and parking facilities (and is available for hire). The village also has a cricket club (also available for hire) which was established in 1892, the pavilion and pitch enjoying an arcadian setting at Bushley Green.

Details of upcoming events in Bushley (as well as other Bushley related articles) are contained in the current edition of Bushley News which is included in the 'Publications' section.

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