Welcome to Eastham Parish Council

Eastham is a small spread out Parish bordering the banks of the River Teme. There were 205 electors on the last Electoral Register. It has a good community spirit and the Memorial Hall at the centre of the village is well used. The Church overlooks the river and is one of the first buildings to be seen at this end of the parish. Looking from the Highwood area you can see across to Clee Hill. Tenbury Wells is the nearest market town.

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Co-Option of Parish Councillors

Eastham Parish Council
Parish Council of Eastham of Teme Valley Ward
Vacancy for 2 Parish Councillors
To Be filled by Co-Option

The above Parish Council will consider filling by co-option 2 casual vacancies for Councillors at its next meeting 

 Those who are interested in serving the community in this way and want to become a candidate for co-option should obtain an application form the website detailed below

Completed application forms should be returned to the Clerk on the Friday prior to the meeting

Information on eligibility and its schedule of meetings may be obtained from the Clerk.

Clerk – Lesley Jenkins,                   Mobile – 07942 363070           Email – easthamparishcouncil@gmail.com

Website - http://e-services.worcestershire.gov.uk/myparish     select Eastham, then publications
Go to Notice Board

Images of Eastham

RIP PHILIP DUKE OF EDINBURGH Eastham Bridge May 2016 Eastham Birdge Closure
Eastham Bridge May 2016 Eastham Bridge May 2016 Eastham Bridge

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