Parish Publications

Following the passing of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 the Parish Council will now publicise the availability of information about its affairs. The public have a general right of access to many types of recorded information held by public authorities. Any person who makes a request to a public authority for information must be informed whether the public authority holds that information and, subject to exemptions, will be supplied with that information.


Grievance Policy

Grievance Policy adopted 11th September 2019, providing guidance for Employees of Lindridge Parish Council.

Prospective Candidate Pack

Information for those interested in becoming a Parish Councillor. Candidate packs are available from 22nd March 2019 and submission deadline is 4pm on Wednesday 3rd April 2019. For more information contact the Clerk - 01584 881599 or

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy of Lindridge Parish Council

Communications and Media Policy

Communications and media policy for Lindridge Parish Council

Archiving and Retention of Documents Policy

Policy for the timescale of archiving and retaining documents.
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