
Reference Number705:73 BA14450/30/2
Hierarchy Browser Number350/10/1/4/2
TitleKerrison on the Medical Profession
DescriptionPrinted book entitled "An enquiry into the present state of the medical profession in England, containing an abstract of all the Acts and Charters granted to physicians, surgeons and apothecaries, and a comparative view of the profession in Scotland, Ireland, and on the continent of Europe. Also, a compendious account of its state amongst the ancient Greeks and Romans: tending to illustrate the urgent necessity of legislative interference, and the merits of the Bill about to be presented to Parliament by the apothecaries and surgeon-apothecaries of England and Wales", by Robert Masters Kerrison. Printed by J. Barfield, 91 Wardour Street, London.
Physical DescriptionBinding needs securing; some pages affected by damp
FormatPrinted document
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