
Reference Number010:17 BA7673
Hierarchy Browser Number4271/15/2/2
TitleWest Midlands Gas Board. Worcester City
Description1. Act for better supplying with gas the City of Worcester and the suburbs thereof, 1846 (3 copies).
2. Act to amend and enlarge the provisions of the 1846 Act and to enable the Worcester New Gas Light Company incorporated by that Act to raise a further sum of money, 1848 (14 copies).
3. Bill to make provision for lighting burghs and populous places in Scotland with gas, 1875.
4. Returns from Gas Companies comprising various statistics, 1866.
5. Ministry of Fuel and Power. Gas Undertakings Acts, 1920-1934. Worcester Gas Special Order. Proceedings at a public enquiry at the Guildhall, Worcester, 1948.
6. Worcester Gas Order, 1949. Copy of minutes of proceedings before the Special Orders Committee of the House of Lords, 1949.
7. c6 letters, reports and other papers, 20th cent.
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