
Reference Number496.5 BA9360/U13/1 - 89
Hierarchy Browser Number8001/1/17/1/10
TitleBox list of Miscellaneous Documents from the Town Clerk
Description1 - 26 June 1843 - Deed between commissioners of the City of Worcester and John Hughes concerning arbitration for payment dispute over the new market.
2 - 15 August 1840 - Copy of Sir F Follett`s opinion on the payment of compensation to landowners in certain circumstances when sewers are built on their land.
3 - undated [early 19th century] - Draft letter to Mr Lewis from the commissioners of the Waterworks regarding alterations required to the reservoir in the Trinity.
4 - 21 March 1823 - Envelope addressed to W Wells Esq. Worcester. Solicitor Sender`s signature illegible.
5 - 10 May 1823 - Letter to John Dickens Esq of Worcester Improvement Committee from Arthur Benson at the House of Commons with reference to payments for two Parliamentary Bills for Construction of Worcester Bridge.
6 - 21 February 1823 - Letter to John Dickens Esq and Wells of Worcester from Henry Lyons? At the House of Commons referring to a petition which he is to present to Agents Benson and Rose [re Bridge].
7 - 6 March 1832 - Copy of Mr E Ludlow's opinion on relevance of clauses in the Charters of Phillip and Mary and James with reference to water rates and the new Market.
8 - 20 May 1823 - Letter from Mr Benson at the House of Commons to Mr Wells and Mr Dickens in Worcester stating that the Bill has passed through The House of Commons. He asks that Mr Dickens goes to London as they cannot proceed with the Bill until a dispute over the fees incurred is solved.
9 - 6 February 1844 - Notice of meeting of Committee for City Improvement on 19 February, to Mr Bedford, Solicitor, Sansome St, Worcester. Meeting to discuss improvement to the new street which was Gardner's lane.
10 - 16 May{no year] - Notice to be placed in Worcester papers, Journal, Chronicle and Herald referring to lighting the city all the year round by the Gas Co.
11 - 5 April 1847 - Letter from Mr Thomas Clutterbuck of Worcester to Charles Bedford Esq, Clerk of The City Commissioners, asking him to present a Petition on the Corn market.
12 - 2 October 1807 - Letter from Mr John Redding of Stourport to Mr Wm Welles, Solicitor, Worcester, referring to the House of Commons [a Bill?] Some calculations on the reverse.
13 - 28 October 1844 - List of Water Rate Securities signed by C Bedford, comments on reduced rate of interest.
14 - 11 September 1843 - Tender from John Drake of Henwick Hill to the City Commissioners for Improvement of Worcester to pave Gardner's Lane.
15 - 9 June 1879 - From John Lambert, Secretary for Local Government Board, to Southall, Town Clerk, a sanction to borrow £13000 for Street improvement under the Public Health Act, 1875.
16 - undated - Blank account sheet on Smith and Allnutt paper dated 1819.
17 - 27/12/1904 - Sheet of receipts and payments in supplying the City of Worcester with Severn water and Lighting from March 25, 1820 to March 25, 1823.
18 - 27/12/1904 - Sheet of receipts and payments in supplying the City of Worcester with Severn water and Lighting from March 25, 1820 to March 25, 1824.
19 - 30 May 1823 - Votes and Proceedings of the House of Commons granting Royal Assent to the Worcester Improvement Bill.
20 - 5 June 1847 - From Thomas Richards, Engineer manager of Worcester New Gas Co. to the Commissioners re the digging up of 16 streets in the City for laying down gas pipes.
21 - 13 April 1847 - Contract between William Probert Senior and the Commissioners for the Improvement of the City of Worcester for sweeping and watering the streets in the North District.
22 - 30 December 1836 - Contract between the Commissioners and Mr Joseph Light wood, Hallier of Worcester to sweep, cleanse and water the streets within the old Boundary of the City and St Johns etc for £155 for 1 year.
23 - 6 August 1879 - Mortgage between Urban Sanitary Authority and Francis Dingle Esq of Thames House to raise £1000 and to be repaid over 30 years.
24 - 12 November 1877 - Agreement between Worcester City and The London Assurance raising £3,300 to be repaid over 30 years by the Rates.
25 - 3 January 1882 - Mortgage between Worcester city and Josiah Stallard Esq and Thomas Rowley Hill Esq to raise £1800 on the Music Hall in the Corn Market.
26 - 12 November 1887 - Agreement between Worcester City and The London Assurance raising £1060 to be repaid over 20 years by the Rates.
27 - 24 October 1814 - Rate Collectors' Office statement of Rateable Values of Worcester Wards, railways, Gas Co and Tramways.
28 - 17 September 1885 - Approval of Queen Victoria at Court in Balmoral for the Worcester Extension Act, 1885, dividing the City into Six Wards and appointment of Councillors.
29 - 17 September 1885 - Approval By His Majesty's Privy Council for alteration of boundaries of the Wards of the City of Worcester and separate letter from Almeric Fitzroy, Clerk to Privy Council to Town Clerk, Worcester.
30 - 15/12/1904 - Payment of Bill from John Bradley for repairs to the Waterworks from the Commissioners of Waterworks.
31 - September 11 1843 - Tender from Jos Stephens to Commissioners for Improvement of the City for paving the footway in Gardner's Lane.
32 - 31 January 1899 - Booklet of Preliminary Report of the suggested extension of the boundaries of Gloucester City.
33 - 13 September 1843 - Tender from Abel Pointon to the Commissioner for the Improvement of Worcester for paving in Gardner's Lane, which was accepted
34 - 18 October 1844 - Letter from Mr W Atkins to the Commissioners for Improvement of City re lending of money at 4 %. Mr Owen and Mrs Paine mentioned
35 - 24 May 1880 - Declaration by Mr Henry George on the extent of loans on the city rate, plus table of same as £ 1000 is borrowed for the Extension to the Cemetery
36 - 1914-15 - Totals of voters on the 6 Wards of Worcester and proposed changing of boundaries.
37 - 7 December 1842 - Letter from Mr John Hughes, builder of The Butts to Commissioners re the widening of Gardner's Lane where he owns land and requesting that he can purchase land near the Hop Pole for £200.
38 - 11 September 1843 - Tender from James Holland, Infirmary Walk to Commissioners clear old material from the corner of Gardner's Lane and requesting to buy an old shop front for £13.
39 - 11 September 1843 - Tender from Wm Guest, Contractor of Copenhagen St to commissioners for forming a new drain from the culvert in George St to the Corn Market, quoting Edward Corles and James Rea, Maltster as sureties.
40 - 8 January 1808 - Draft of proposals from the Water Rates committee that Mr Welles contact Mr Clark re a design for shed to house the steam engine and that the contractors for the engine should pay compensation due for alterations necessary.
41 - 14 April !888 - Nominal Debenture, no 72 from the Commissioners to John Nicholson, Lark Hill to value £1800 for street improvement and Coupons for repayments of interest for Debenture no 72 in march and September.
42 - 22 march 1847 - Letter from Commissioners for the Improvement of the City to Sir D Le Marchant, Baronet re the application to Parliament for increased power to improve the City as a Bill from Government had not materialised.
43 - 9 April 1847 - Letter to Commissioners from H Rowe stating that, after inspection, the wall of Mr Perks, Baker, Bridge St, House was unsafe.
44 - April 1847 - Report of the Bath and wash houses Committee and the sanitary Committee on the Health of Towns Bill 1847 stating their approval of the Bill.
45 - undated - Rules proposed for improving the health of the city with regard to drainage, disposal of soil and littering of city, fines to be imposed and all costs for improvement to be met by landlords---untitled except for Clause A2 P 17
46 - 22 March 1888 - Nominal Debenture no74 from the Commissioners to John Noake, JP, 2, St Mary's Terrace to value of £540 for street improvement plus coupons for repayment in March and September.
47 - 22 March 1888 - Nominal Debenture no 80 from the Commissioners to Mrs Mary Holland ,Rose Hill to value of £800 for street improvement plus coupons for repayment in March and September.
44 - April 1847 - Report of the Bath and wash houses Committee and the sanitary Committee on the Health of Towns Bill 1847 stating their approval of the Bill.
45 - undated - Rules proposed for improving the health of the city with regard to drainage, disposal of soil and littering of city, fines to be imposed and all costs for improvement to be met by landlords---untitled except for Clause A2 P 17.
46 - 22 March 1888 - Nominal Debenture no74 from the Commissioners to John Noake, JP, 2, St Mary's Terrace to value of £540 for street improvement plus coupons for repayment in March and September.
47 - 22 March 1888 - Nominal Debenture no 80 from the Commissioners to Mrs Mary Holland ,Rose Hill to value of £800 for street improvement plus coupons for repayment in March and September.
48 - 21/09/2004 - Indenture for premises owned by Mr John Hughes in Gardiners Lane to The Commissioners of the City of Worcester with map.
49 - 16/01/1905 - Nominal Debenture no. 84 from the Commissioners to Thomas Rowley Hill, Esq. St Catherine's Hill, Martin Curtler, Solicitor, Lansdowne House and George Edward Martin, Banker, Ham Court, Upton-on- Severn, to value £1900 for purchase of premises for purpose of street improvement, plus coupons for repayment in March and September.
50 - 8 July 1803 - Draft of mortgage of rates by Trustees of Water Works to Mr Edward New, White Lady Aston for £300.
51 - 22 July 1803 - Draft of mortgage of rates by Trustees of Water Works to Mr Henry Elcox, St Martins and members of his family, for £390.
52 - undated but around 1913 - Supplemental proof of satisfactory state of Worcester water from Medical Officer Dr Mabyn Read to support Boundary Extension of The City.
53 - undated but around 1910 - Proof of Evidence by Mr Samuel Southall, Town Clerk for 30 years that Worcester has constantly been improving the City in support of City Extension.
54 - 13 February 1892 - Blueprint of proposed arrangement of Worcester Station using Lancashire Boilers by SZ Ferranti Ltd, Engineers, Chartertown Square, London.
55 - 21 April 1829 - Bill from Worcester Gas Light and Coke Co to Commissioners for the Improvement of Worcester for lighting certain streets.
56 - 21 April 1828 - Bill from Worcester Gas Light and Coke Co to Commissioners for the Improvement of Worcester for lighting certain streets.
57 - 19 July 1829 - Letter from W Pullen, 16 Southampton St, Bloomsbury to Mr Welles re the costs of Gas lighting in other cities.
58 - 02/01/1905 - List for J Carden Esq of Gas lamps in each Street in Worcester.
59 - 19 May 1824 - Letter from Wm Wall, Chairman of Gas Co to Mr William Welles, Clerk to Commissioners stating which streets they proposed to light with gas and the costs.
60 - 9 June 1824 - Letter from Wm Wall, Chairman of Gas Co to Mr William Welles, Clerk to Commissioners about a proposed meeting of 3 commissioners to discuss terms of the intended contract.
61 - 4 June 1824 - Letter from Wm Wall, Chairman of Gas Co to the Commissioners re a letter of 31 May when they had complained about the proposed cost of Gas lights.
62 - 21 April 1826 - Bill from Worcester Gas Light and Coke Co to Commissioners for the Improvement of Worcester for lighting certain streets and moving of oil lamps
63 - undated - Slip of paper signed by C Bullock re no of lamps in Carden St and Charles St.
64 - August 1826 - List of times that the gas lights will be lit in Broad St but not side streets in August.
65 - 21 April 1826 - Bill from Worcester Gas Co to the Commissioners for lighting certain streets.
66 - 10 December 1825 - (Letter from WW (Welles) to the Gas Works re the position of a lamp to be erected in Clap gate.
67 - 22/09/1929 - Letter to Mr Carden from Wm Welles re the allowance made for the cost of a broken lamp.
68 - 29/12/1904 - List for the Commissioners of placement of lamps in city streets.
69 - 21 April 1825 - Bill from Gas Light Co to the Commissioners for lighting of gas and oil lamps.
70 - 22 October 1824 - List of Gas lamps in named city streets and note re provision if 15 in St Clements and stating that oil lamps will be lit until gas lamps installed.
71 - 16 September 1824 - Letter from WW to ? Re places which could have lamps in the future on outskirts of City - rough draft?
73 - 17 August 1824 - Letter from WW to gas Co re repair of future damage to lamps referring to St Clements.
74 - 18 June 1824 - Draft of letter, unsigned to Gas Co re placement and cost of lamps.
75 - 15 May 1824 - Draft letter from W Welles to Gas Co re the contract for provision of lamps.
76 - 10 June 1824 - Letter from WW to Gas Co re high costs of proposed lighting.
77 - undated - Slip of paper with list of lamps in St Peters and cost.
78 - undated - Letter from Wm Saunders complaining that lamps in Sidbury are being lit late.
79 - undated - List of permanent lamps in City streets.
80 - undated - List of streets that the Gas co proposes to light by Martin Cliffe.
81 - undated - Rough notes on costs of proposed lighting.
82 - 20/11/1827 - Rough draft requesting that Alderman Ballard and Mr R Evans look into placing of a gas lamp and an oil lamp in Quay St.
83 - undated - Slip as marker "Improvement Act Gas Co. Lamps &Co".
81 - undated - Rough notes on costs of proposed lighting.
82 - 20-Nov 1827 - Rough draft requesting that Alderman Ballard and Mr R Evans look into placing of a gas lamp and an oil lamp in Quay St.
83 - undated - Slip as marker "Improvement Act Gas Co. Lamps & Co".
84 - 16 June 1824 - Letter from Wm Hill, of gas Co to Commissioners for improvement of City of Worcester re cost of gas lighting (and listing commissioners in town).
85 - 18 June 1824 - Letter from Commissioners to WM Hill acceding to the cost of lighting, placement of lamps to be decided by them.
86 - 31 May1824 - Letter from the Commissioners to the gas Co complaining about the increased costs of the lighting.
87 - 26 April 1826 - Note from S Millington, John Morgan, Glover, W Evans, Publican complaining that lamps were not lit in St Clements from 15 April to 25 April.
88 - 8 June 1824 - Letter from W Welles to Gas Co re the saving of money by not lighting lamps every full moon and putting out at 12 midnight.
89 - 8 June 1824 - Draft of letter from W Welles to gas Co reporting meeting of Commissioners re the saving of money by not lighting at full moon and the inclusion of St Clements.
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