
Reference Number496.5 BA11241/E23/Box 1/2
Hierarchy Browser Number8001/1/2/12/11
TitleHealth Committee
DescriptionHandwritten minutes of the committee. Matters discussed include: petroleum and explosives licenses; water supply; working conditions legislation; slaughterhouses; Tuberculosis, National Insurance Act; outbreaks of infectious diseases; maintenance and repairs to houses, and demolition of uninhabitable buildings; offensive trades; analysis of food, water and drugs for contamination or adulteration; nuisances reported; employment and conditions of officers and staff; Newtown and Small Pox Hospitals; proposed new schools, including an open air school; schedule of works giving description and location of property, owners/occupiers names and number of ashtubs or waterclosets to be installed; proposed telephone for medical officer; prosecutions for selling unsound meat; bathing barge; canal boats; appointment of tradesmen listing name, trade and business address; registration and inspection of common lodging houses; Mental Deficiency Act; registration of cowsheds, dairies etc; discussion over chemical and bacteriological examination of the city water supply; European War and its impact on employment; Maternity and Child Welfare grants; and co-operation between civilian and military authorities.
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