
Reference Number496.5 BA10576/E30/Box 1
Hierarchy Browser Number8001/1/7/2/21
TitleRegulations, Bye-laws etc
DescriptionRegulations and Byelaws of the City of Worcester.

1. Regulations as to licences for Hackney carriages and drivers (copy). 3 Feb 1880
2. Bye-law as to shouting in the streets (copy), 10 Oct 1883
3. Bye-laws as to public bathing (copy), 6 Dec 1887; and Byelaws as to New Streets and Buildings (copy), 3 July 1888.
4. Bye-laws with reference to steam organs (copy), 14 Aug 1888.
5. Two copies of Bye-laws with respect to Nuisances in the city of Worcester (sealed). (adopted 4 Dec 1888), 6 Feb 1889.
6. Bye-laws with respect to the cleansing of footways and pavements in the city of Worcester ( copy) Sept. 1890.
7. Bye-laws and Regulations with respect to Pleasure boats and vessels (sealed) (adopted 2 June 1891). 5 June 1891.
8. Bye-laws with respect to pleasure boats and vessels (copy). 13 Oct 1891 and 22 April 1892.
9. Bye-laws for regulating and using the Cattle Market (copy) 1 July 1891.
10. Bye-laws with respect to common lodging houses in the City of Worcester (copy), 16 Nov. 1892.
11. Bye-law in pursuance of the Prevention of Cruelty to, and Protection of Children Act 1889 (copy), 19 Feb. 1894.
12. Regulations with respect to dairies, cowsheds and milkshops (sealed), 1 Jan 1900.
13. Bye-laws as to Pitchcroft (copy), 1 Jan 1900.
14. Bye-law for protection of cyclists (copy), 3 April 1900.
15. Bye-laws for the prevention of betting in streets (copy) 2 Dec 1902.
16. Bye-laws as to street refuse (copy), 6 Oct. 1903.
17. Bye-laws as to street organs (copy) 5 May 1903.
18 Bye ·laws as to whistling by steamers on the River Severn (copy) 6 June 1905.
19. Bye-laws as to bulls in streets (copy) 6 Feb 1906.
20. Regulations as to placing on grave spaces, metal wreaths and artificial flowers Astwood and St. John's cemeteries. May 1906.
21. Bye-laws. Cattle Market. Drovers. (copy) 17 April 1906.
22. Bye-laws as to spitting (copy), 20 Nov 1906.
23. Bye-laws as to Cattle Market auction sales ( copy). 15 Feb 1907).
24. Bye-laws as to school attendance (copy) 3 May 1910.
25. Supplementary bye-laws as to Pitchcroft (copy) 5 Dec 1911.
26. Bye-laws as to general markets and butchers' and hawkers' markets (copy) 7 Jan 1913.
27. Bye-laws for the sale, etc., of coal. (copy). 10 Nov 1913.
28. Bye-laws for offensive traders. (copy). Mar.1913.
29. Bye-laws for slaughter-houses (copy) 9 Nov. 1915.
30. Bye-laws as to hackney carriages in the city of Worcester (copy) 5 Jan 1915.
31. Regulations as to street collections made by the Watch committee of the City of Worcester. 5 Feb 1917.
32. Bye-laws as to the conduct of persons using sanitary conveniences (copy), 4 Dec. 1917.
33 Two copies of bye-laws as to Fort Royal Park (sealed) 25 April 1921.
34. Bye-laws as to the pleasure grounds known as Gheluvelt Park and Cripplegate Park (copy). 21 Feb 1923.
35. Bye-laws as to footways and footpaths on Pitchcroft. 27 Sept. 1923.
36. Copies of bye-laws as to Bromwich Parade, Henwick Parade and Butts Parade (sealed) 2 Jan. 1924. The above includes a map of the City of Worcester, dated 11 Sept. 1923.
37. Bye-laws as to omnibuses in the City of Worcester (sealed), 6 May 1924.
38. Supplemental bye-laws as to hackney Carriages in the City of Worcester (sealed); and Bye-laws as to new streets/buildings (sealed), all 2 Sept 1924.
39. Bye-law as to the pleasure ground known as Fort Royal Park (sealed), 3 June 1925; Letter from the Ministry of Health re certification of the above bye-law, 4 June 1925.
40. Bye-law as to throwing money etc. from Vehicles hired or used for pleasure parties and the like (copy). 10 May 1926.
41. Bye-laws as to violent outcries in thestreet and the obstruction of the free use of any street. 24 June.
42. Bye-laws as to dealing with means of escape in case of fire (sealed),15 Oct.1926.
43. Bye-laws as to houses intended or used for occupation by the working classes and let in lodgings or occupied by members of more than one family in the City of Worcester (sealed)
16 May 1927.
44. Bye-laws as to private slaughterhouses 11 Oct 1928.
45. Bye-laws as to nursing homes in the City of Worcester (sealed) 5 July 1932.
46. Bye-law as to smoke abatement (sealed) 5 July 1932.
47. Bye-laws as to the public slaughter house ( sealed ) 2 Oct. 1934.
48. Bye-laws as to the employment of children/young persons, 24 Dec.1934; and Building Bye-laws made under the Public Health Act 1936, 5 Dec 1939.
49. Bye-laws as to traffic regulations in the City of Worcester 2 Dec 1947.
50. Bye-laws as to the employment of children and street trading. 2 April 1949.
51. Bye-laws as to the prevention of the sale of contraceptives by means of automatic machines in public places (sealed) 6 Dec 1949.
52. Bye-laws as to securing the observance of sanitary and clean conditions and practices in connection with the handling, wrapping and delivery of food and sale of food in the open air (sealed) 8 March 1950.
53. Bye-laws as to personal weighing machines. 16 Jan.1952.
54. Bye-laws as to the sale of wood fuel and peat (copy) 16 Jan.1952.
55. Bye-laws as to the sale of coal and coke, 16 Jan.1952.
56. Scheme for the alteration of the city of Worcester Registration Schemes 1933-48 (copy), 24 March 1952.
57. Bye-laws as to the employment of children and street trading. 5 May 1953.
58. Regulations as to sheep dipping in the city of Worcester 7 Oct. 1953.
59. Bye-laws as to hackney carriages, 31 Dec. 1953.
60. Bye-law as to preventing the deposit of materials and dropping of water from vehicles on highways (sealed). 29 July 1954.
61. Regulations as to the movement of pigs in markets (copy) . 12 Oct. 1956.
62. Bye-laws as to preventing waste, undue consumption, misuse or contamination of water supplied by Worcester City Council copy) 3 Nov. 1954.
63. Bye-laws as to preventing waste, undue consumption, misuse or contamination of water supplied by Worcester City Council copy) 1 Jan 1957.
64. Bye-law as to the good rule and government of the City of Worcester (Copy) 1 Sept. 1960.
65. Bye-law as to the prevention of uruly behaviour in places of entertainment (copy). 1 Sept. 1960.
66. Bye-law as to preventing waste, undue consumption, misuse or contamination of water supplied by Worcester City Council (copy) 7 Feb 1964.
67. Bye-laws made under Section 19 of the public Libraries and Museums Act 1964 (copy) 1966.

Orders and Standing Orders made by the Council
68. Order as to Severn Bridge, Quays etc.3 Sept. 1889.
69. Standing orders as to the granting of licences for the performance of stage plays. 7 April 1903 .
70. Closing order and half holiday order as to hairdressers and barbers shops (copy). 4 March 1913.
71. Half holiday order as to butchers shops. 1 July 1913.
72. Traffic regulations orders.1919-52.

Reports by the Town Clerk to the General Purposes Committee
73. Report as to Pitchcroft, June 1889.
74. Report as to the Small Dwellings Acquisition Act 1899. Oct 1889.
75. Report as to boundaries of the wards. Sep 1914.

Other legislation
76. Legislation affecting the navigation of the Severn, 1 Jan 1903.
77. The local laws of the City of Worcester, Mar 1909.

Scales for various county services
78. Guildhall and Public Hall Conditions and Regulations as to letting, and scale of charges. June 1947.
79. Scale of augmentation grant and other allowances to blind home workers. 1947-49.
80. Service for the provision of home helps and domestic helps. 1 Feb 1949.

Statements of duties and terms of appointment
81. Caretaker of pitchcroft etc. 7 Apr 1899.
82. Guildhall keeper and assistant mayor's officer,1 Dec 1914.

83. The City of Worcester Registration (amendment) scheme 1948, approval instrument· 1948 (sealed), 7 July 1948.
84. The city of Worcester registration (amendment) scheme 1952, approval instrument 1952 (sealed). Includes a letter from the Ministry of Health certifying the above. 28 Mar 1952.

Approval for appointment statements
85. Appointment resolution of Mr. Cecil Cooke Duncan as Agricultural Analyst for the'19 city of Worcester. 7 Feb 1928.
86. Appointment of John Henry Drury as inspector, under the fertilisers and feeding stuffs Act, 1926, for the districts of the County Borough of Worcester and the County of Worcester (sealed) 28 Mar 1928.
87. Appointment of Mr. Cecil Cooke Duncan as Agricultural Analyst for the County Borough of Worcester (sealed). 18 June 1928.
88. Approval of the joint appointment of the Chief Sanitary Inspector for the City of Worcester as Inspector for the district of the City of Worcester and the County of Worcester. 2 Oct 1928.

Circular letters and memoranda
89. Circular letter from the Ministry of Agriculture re the Fertilisers and Feeding Stuffs Act 1926. 12 June 1928.
90. Memorandum from the Ministry of Health re sending bye-laws or regulations for the preliminary approval of the Minister of Health. Jan 1929.

91. Catalogue of manuscript records and printed books in the library of the Corporation of Worcester, and a list of trade and other tokens and money pieces, with an appendix of local records. 1874.
92. Worcester public library and 'Hastings' Museum - Rules and Regulations. [late' 19th cent].
93. City of Worcester ancient monuments and historic buildings - list of monuments of historic, traditional or artistic interest. 6 Feb 1912.
94. The Magistracy of the City and County of Worcester with notes of special sessions and rota of magistrates. 1930.

95. Map of Worcester showing wards and borough boundaries, signed by Samuel Southall, Town Clerk. [late 19th - early 20th century).
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