
Reference Number496.5 BA9360/Cab 23/282 - 288
Hierarchy Browser Number8001/2/15/10
TitleAlphabetical list of contracts: Police Prosecutions
DescriptionFolders containing contracts and other paperwork relating to projects and property. Documents include bills, deeds, legal papers, estimates, circulars, newspaper clippings, maps and plans, evidence from public enquiries, auction particulars of sale, correspondence, minutes of meetings etc. A couple of folders contain photographs. The folders were arranged alphabetically by subject.

Folder 282 covers Police Prosecutions. Rex v Colcomb/Rex v Emblow/H R Divalle/Matthews. [1936 - 1938]
Folder 283 covers Police Prosecutions. Watch & Lighting Committee P/4/19. Police Prosecution Tandy - Larceny. [1944].
Folder 284 covers Police Prosecutions Tinkler v Smallman/Rex v Vals Onslow [1934 - 1936]
Folder 285 covers Prosecutions Misc. [1936 - 1943].
Folder 286 covers Prosecutions re Corps Costello/McEwan/Rex & Chief Con v Sherwood/v Hall. [1938 - 1941].
Folder 287 covers Prosecution Pease v Tinkler. [1940 - 1941].
Folder 288 covers Police re Accidents to Members of Force & Property (Cars). [1939 - 1940].
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