
Reference Number496.5 BA9360/Cab 23/161 - 197; 281
Hierarchy Browser Number8001/2/15/9
TitleAlphabetical list of contracts: 'O' and 'P' places and subjects
DescriptionFolders containing contracts and other paperwork relating to projects and property. Documents include bills, deeds, legal papers, estimates, circulars, newspaper clippings, maps and plans, evidence from public enquiries, auction particulars of sale, correspondence, minutes of meetings etc. A couple of folders contain photographs. The folders were arranged alphabetically by subject.

Folder 161 covers Ombersley Road No 237 re Purchase Hill & Trustees 'Alma' Villa (1934).
Folder 162 covers Ombersley Road re sale 237. Wall.(1936 - 1937).
Folder 281 covers Pedestrian Crossing 1951 - 58. [1949 - 1958].
Folder 163 covers Palace Yard Improvement No 4 & 5 Little Fish St Shakespeare. No 12 Fish St Noake. (1934 - 1935).
Folder 164 covers Palace Yard Improvement re Purchase No 27 Copenhagen St. Wood. (1920 - 1935).
Folder 165 covers Perry Wood Walk re Railway Bridge Metal Box Co. (1932).
Folder 166 covers Petrol Pumps Swing Arm Agreements. Streets/P/1. (1936 - 1937).
Folder 167 covers Powell Row Clearance Area. (circa 1958).
Folder 168 covers Police Houses. Erection of 10 pairs. First scheme. (1945 - 1954).
Folder 169 covers Police Houses re Sunnyside Road. (1945 - 1955).
Folder 170 covers Police Houses re Erection of 10 Houses. Third scheme (Lichfield Ave). (1949 - 1952).
Folder 171 covers Police Houses. No 1 Northwick Road and Beckett Road. Watch P/26. (a) Purchase of site (b) Extinguishment of Right of Way. Deeds: 24/Apr/24. 12/July/50. (1950 - 1958).
Folder 172 covers Police Houses - Northwick Road No 2. Watch P/20/1. Note - when applying for Loan Sanction - DU's original report already forwarded to [M/N?] 30/11/49. (1949 - 1954).
Folder 173 covers Police Houses. Land at Cornmeadow. Green. Watch P/24. Council Resolution: 261. 16th November 1949.
Folder 174 covers Police Houses. Bilford Road. Watch P/27. (1950 - 1951).
Folder 175 covers Police Houses - General Correpondence. Watch P/21. Concrete Garden footpaths. Police Houses. Electrical Installation - 182 Bromwich Rd. (1949 - 1955).
Folder 176 covers Police Houses - 3rd Scheme Diglis Lane. Watch P/22/4. (1938 - 1950).
Folder 177 covers Police Houses - Site at Henwick Road. Watch/P/18/11. (1946 - 1947).
Folder 178 covers Police Housing. 34 acres land adjoining Mayfield Lodge. (appropriation). WH/P/36. (1954)
Folder 179 covers Police Housing. .18 acres of land in Bath Road, (Part of Larneshall Recreation Ground). Appropriation. WH/P/37. (1954).
Folder 180 covers Police Houses - Newtown Road Housing Estate. Watch & Lighting P/18/15.No.2 [illeg pencil annotation]. Appropriation of land from [HSA?] to Police Hsg. ([illeg] Scheme - [20?] hses). (1948 - 1951).
Folder 181 covers Police Station. Fire Station. Laying of Foundation Stone. (1939).
Folder 182 covers Fire Brigade & Police Accommodation. Progress of erection. General File. No. 1. Watch F2/1/7. (1939 - 1942).
Folder 183 covers Police Station - Fire Station. General No 2. (1941 - 1942).
Folder 184 covers Watch and Lighting. New Police Buildings - Purchase of Steel - Metals etc. Watch F.2/1/14. (1940 - 1942).
Folder 185 covers Watch and Lighting. New Police Buildings - Wood. Watch F.2/1/15. (1939 - 1941).
Folder 186 covers Watch and Lighting. New Police Buildings - Cement. Watch F.2/1/13. (1940 - 1941).
Folder 187 covers Watch and Lighting. New Police Buildings - Brick Requirements. Watch F.2/1/12. (1940).
Folder 188 covers Police Station re Increase in Workmens Wages. (1940 - 1942).
Folder 189 covers Police & Fire Stations re Stoppage of Work - Uniformity Agreement. (1941 - 1942).
Folder 190 covers Police Station re Deferment of Workmen. (1940 - 1942).
Folder 191 covers Watch. Opening of New Police Buildings, and use of etc. Watch. F2/1/17. (1941 - 1942).
Folder 192 covers Police re Residence of Chief Constable. (1938 - 1957).
Folder 193 covers Police Training Centre - No. 4. District. Watch P/29. (1948 - 1961).
Folder 194 covers Police Properties - Alienated Copenhagen Street & Guildhall Yard. Watch P/23. (1942 - 1952).
Folder 195 covers Police Buildings. Inventory. Watch P/25. (1950).
Folder 192 covers Police re Residence of Chief Constable. (1938 - 1957).
Folder 193 covers Police Training Centre - No. 4. District. Watch P/29. (1948 - 1961).
Folder 194 covers Police Properties - Alienated Copenhagen Street & Guildhall Yard. Watch P/23. (1942 - 1952).
Folder 195 covers Police Buildings. Inventory. Watch P/25. (1950).
Folder 196 covers Police re Amalgamation No. 1. (1932).
Folder 197 covers Police re Amalgamation No 2. (1932).
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