
Reference Number496.5 BA9360/Cab 14/Box 41/2/1 - 12
Hierarchy Browser Number8001/2/3/1/19
TitleWorcester St Clement Hylton Road
DescriptionDeeds from the medieval and Early Modern period relating to property in Hylton Road, Worcester.

1 - Monday before the Feast of St Margaret, 7 Henry IV [19 July 1406].
Parties (1) Thomas Belne and William Pygar, bailiffs of Worcester, with named aldermen and citizens; and (2) John Oyne of Holt. Grant of a parcel of land beyond the Severn Bridge, one parcel adjoining the bridge near Wynhalestrete (refers to newly erected houses). Rent of 2s annually towards the repair of the bridge.

2 - Monday after the Feast of St Michael, 1 Henry V [2 October 1413].
Parties (1) Richard Norton and John Frewyn, bailiffs of Worcester, with named aldermen and citizens; and (2) Robert Eburtan, wine brewer. Lease of a cottage and land adjoining the Severn Bridge between a cottage of William Ree, glover and sawyer. Twenty years at a rent of 4s to the repair of the bridge.

3 - Tuesday after the Feast of St Michael, 3 Henry V [1 October 1415].
Parties (1) Thomas Belne and Reginald Barber, bailiffs, and the aldermen and citizens; and (2) Walter Jowkes, fisher.
Lease of 3 shops in the suburbs of Worcester by Hilton Strete on the Severn Bridge. Rent of 12s p.a.

4 - Monday after the Feast of St Michael 5 Henry VI [30 Sept 1426].
Parties (1) John Lodelowe and Richard Mychell, bailiffs, and named aldermen and citizens, and; (2) John Werword, fisher. Gift of three shops in the suburbs of Worcester beyond the Severn Bridge, which Robert Wyre draper, William Ree and Ralph Goltsmyth held, with one parcel of land in the Cleyplace (further described). Paying annually to the bailiffs and bridge wardens 10s. Any building to be erected on the land not to harm the bridge with the Seal of the City (damaged).

5 - Feast of St Benedict, 15 Henry VI [12 January 1437].
Parties (1) Robert Sutton, dyer, citizen of Worcester; and (2) John Arche, citizen and Edith his wife. Gift of all that tenement situate in the suburbs of Worcester at Hiltonstrete over Severn Bridge in a corner of the said place. Extending to the tenement of John Werewarde where Walter Jowker lived. Rent of 12s to the bailiffs and bridge wardens. Witnesses: William Pullesdan and John Omberlsely, bailiffs; Ralph Merston; William Clyre; William Wylley.

6 - Feast of Peter & Paul, 17 Henry VI [29 June 1439].
Parties (1) John Warward of Worcester and Elizabeth his Wife; and (2) John Arch of Worcester and Isabella his wife. Gift of parcel of land between the tenement of (1) and (2) near Cleyplace. Yearly rent of 4d. Witnesses: Thomas Swyney and Richard Mitchell, bailiffs' William Smith; Richard Turnour; William Clyre.

7a - 5 June 33 Henry VI [1455].
Parties (1) John Appletree alias Shepman of Wareham in Dorset and Elizabeth his wife, formerly wife of John Warward of Worcester; and (2) William Warward and Richard Benet, clerk. Gift of one messuage beyond the Severn Bridge between the messuage of John Archie to the south and the bridge to the north. Witnesses: John Reson, mayor of Wareham, William Clyke, Stephen Fawby, Thomas Jerard, Richard Kingesdon. Given at Wareham.

7b - 6 June 22 Henry VI [1462].
Quitclaim of (1) to (2).

8 - 8 April 2 Edward IV [1462].
Parties (1) William Werwarde of Bewdley, fisher; and (2) Thomas Swynnerton; John Smith, goldsmith; John Hunt, grazier, all citizens of Worcester.
Grant of 2 tenements recently containing 3 shops newly built, situate in the suburbs by the Worcester Bridge, between the Severn and a tenement occupied by Walter Jowkes and afterwards John Arch, with a parcel of land based in the Cleyplace [dimensions given] which was held of the bailiffs of Worcester. Witnesses: Thomas Longe, Robert Laughton, bailiffs' Robert Jonys; John Broke; Thomas Porter.

9 - Feast of All Saints, 8 Edward IV [1 November 1468].
Parties (1) Edith, widow of John Arche of Worcester; and (2) John Wethy. Grant of tenements in Hiltenstrete on Severn Bridge, viz 'the corner' [further described]. Rent of 12s for the repair of the bridge.

10 - 4 August 6 Henry VII [1491].
Parties (1) John Wythy of Worcester; and (2) Thomas Grene, brewer of Worcester. Grant of land in Hylton Strete in the corner of the said way [described] to a tenement of John Wereward of the gift of Edith Arche, widow of John Arche.Rent of 12s towards the repair of the bridge. Witnesses given.

11 - 4 September 15 Henry VII [1499].
Parties (1) Thomas Green and; (2) Walter Kent. (1) appoints his attorney to enter land in Worcester by the bridge, where John Howle lived.

12 - 20 March 3 Henry VIII [1512]
Parties (1) William Garde of the City of Worcester, [scorsager] and Alice his wife; and (2) Thomas Farley of Worcester, brewer. Gift of 2 tenements in the suburbs of the city near a place called Hylton Street on the Severn Bridge, that is to say, in a corner of the said place.
Rent of 12s annually to the bailiffs and bridgewardens. Two seals.
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