
Reference Number496.5 BA9360/CAB11/6/33-64 (formerly CAB11 St Clement Box 6)
Hierarchy Browser Number8001/2/3/1/2/33-64
TitleWorcester St Clement - Cripplegate and Elsewhere
DescriptionCopy of probate copy of the will of John Green of Worcester St John, grazier, will dated 12 Aug 1793, probate granted 20 May 1794; copy legacy receipts, leases, release, attested copy deeds, assignment, copy assignment, copy of probate copy of the will of Thomas Howells of Alfrick, yeoman, will dated 18 Jul 1810, probate granted 16 Feb 1811; bargain and sale, declarations of trust, deeds of covenant, agreement, abstracts of title (one annotated with 67-72 Tybridge Street and 1-20 Russell Terrace), conditions of sale and contracts for property to be sold in lots at auction in 1832, copy probate copy of will of William Stephens of Worcester St Clement, coal merchant, will dated 23 Mar 1832, probate granted 12 Dec 1832, relating to:

a tenement divided into two dwellings and an adjoining long range of buildings intended for dwelling houses in Cripplegate, bounded on the north by the road to St Johns; later known as 5 tenements and gardens then 6 freehold dwelling houses with brewhouses, washouses etc in Tybridge Place (lot 3) with land behind (lots 4 and 5); also messuages in Worcester St Helen, fronting High Street; plus piece of pasture land (4acres) and barn with cottage at bottom of said land situated at Cold Comfort, Worcester St Clement; plus piece of meadow ground formerly called Pinners Hay and Meer Leasow, then called College Meadow, part in Worcester St John part in St Clement, near to pasture called Monk Orchard; plus piece of meadow situated in a common meadow adjoining to Worcester City called Pitchcroft Ham, bounded on west by River Severn; plus freehold piece of land and messuage situate on upper side of field called Shut Field formerly part of farm called Batch Court Farm Cradley, Herefs; plus 2 messuage at south west end of certain other premises of William Stephens for sometime past called Tybridge Place and ground at back , bounded on north west front by road to St Johns, separated on north east by brick wall built by John Russell; plus right of way in Worcester St Clement.; plus 5 messuage and land in Cold Comfort, Worcester St Clement.

Parties include: Dean and Chapter of Worcester Cathedral, Lucretia Green, widow, of Worcester St John; William Stephens of Worcester St Helen/All Saints/St Clement, brazier/yeoman/coalmerchant and Anne his wife; John Freeman of Gaines, Herefordshire, esquire; Richard Green of Worcester St John, cordwainer, Thomas Webb of Ledbury, Herefs, banker, Abigail wife of Thomas Nott of Ledbury, gent, George Baylis of Worcester City, hairdresser, Philip Barneby of Hereford, esquire, Richard Wood of Doddenham, gentleman, John Barneby of Brockhampton, Herefs, esquire John Harris Freeman of Gaines esquire, later of Witney, Oxon, esquire, Rev Thomas Barneby of Whitbourne, later of Saltmarsh, both Herefordshire, John Russell of Worcester St Clement, tobacco pipe manufacturer; Joseph Hardman, cordwainer and John Hall, bricklayer, both of Worcester St Clement.
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