
Reference Number496.5 BA9360/Cab 12/Box 12/1/1 - 13 (formerly Cab 12 Box 12 St Helens)
Hierarchy Browser Number8001/2/5/1/12
TitleNo. 78 High Street, Worcester St Helens
DescriptionLeases, mortgages, conveyances and reconveyance, deed of covenant, notices, transfer, releases, grants and reconveyance, all relating to a messuage, number 78 High Street, Worcester.

Parties include Henry, William and Samuel Mountford and family, Ann Whitcombe, Henry Chaplin, Charles Pidcock, William Bishop, John Isaac and family, Sir Edward Lechmere, George Martin, John Steward, Jabez Hooper, Mary Noakes, and George Dineley.

Two labels were included in the box although do not appear to be directly relevant to the contents. The first read "Georges Ld. Bundle No 15. 16, Old Deeds (1704 to 1861)" and the second "Georges Ld. Bundle No 12 re 88, High Street, Yards Warehouses &c in City of Worcester. 26, Old Deeds (1677 to 1786)".
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