
Reference Number496.5 BA9360/Cab 12/Box 15/1/1 - 70 (formerly Cab 12 Box 15 St Helens)
Hierarchy Browser Number8001/2/5/1/19
TitleNewdix Court, Worcester St Helens
DescriptionLeases and releases, assignments, mortgages, copy wills, probate and codicil, later copies of parish registers and certificates, fire insurance policy, mortgage bond, receipts, letters, conveyances and reconveyances, transfers, valuations, sale particulars, abstracts of title and surveys.

relating to No. 6 High Street and adjacent four cottages and stables, timber yard, land etc in Newdix (New Dicks) Court, some of which referred to as Church Stile

Parties include: George Taylor, Mary Sargent, Thomas and Arnold Russell and family, William Wathen, James Lewis, Thomas and Edward Corbett and family, Judith Packwood, Thomas Millichap, William Price and family, Nathaniel and Letitia (nee Stephens) Smith and family, Richard Tolley and family, John Bennett, Eagle Insurance Company, Thomas, Theophilus and Henry Jones, William Teague, Richard Webb, Richard Nash and family, Charles Vaughan and family Susanna Hartshorne, Willaim Pullen and family, William Holbrook, Edwin and Ellen Nichols and family, James Fisher, Hubert and William Leicester and family, Inland Revenue, Alison Hawkins and family, Malim Messiter and Thomas Huxley.

Documents 1 - 47 were placed with a label reading "Old Deeds relat[in]g to 4 cottages yard &c in Newdix Court "C" on plan", documents 48 on were with a label reading "Old deeds relating to Cottages &c B on plan". The piles have become disorganised but where possible the deeds specifically mentioning no. 6 High Street are bundled together.

See also 496.5 BA9360/Cab 12/Box 14.
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