
Reference Number496.5 BA9360/Cab 13/Box 12/1 - 2 (formerly Cab 13 Box 12 St Martins)
Hierarchy Browser Number8001/2/8/2/13
TitleClapgate and Spring Gardens, Leases Worcester St Martins
DescriptionTwo bundles of deeds relating to gardens, malthouse, schoolhouse, tenements and other properties in the extra-parochial land outside St Martins, in the Clapgate, Bowling Green Gardens and Spring Gardens area. Some have been badly damaged by rodents.

Bundle 1 (50 items) contains leases and counterpart leases covering 1834 - 1863; parties include the Corporation of Worcester, James Pitt, Ann Jones, James Punn, Thomas Morris, James Chesterton, James Freame, James Walker, Richard Berry, Richard Carter, John Smith, John Lucy, Samuel Jones, Trustees of the Lancastrian School, William Ingram, William and Mary Beck, Michael Procter, John Ivens, Mary Jones, Henry Sherwood, Samuel Smith, Joseph Pardoe, George and Ann Baker, John Mason, Ann Penn, John Read, William Hobbs, Sarah Ingram, Francis Hooper, Harvey Tymbs, Susan Maund and Elizabeth Bristow.

Bundle 2 (6 items) contains a lease, agreement, abstracts of title and schedule of deeds covering 1850 - 1877; parties include: the Corporation of Worcester, Ann Jones, and Thomas Knott Goodwin.
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