
Reference Number496.5 BA11241/E34/Box 2
Hierarchy Browser Number8001/3/1/1/7
TitleCases and procedures in the Court of Pleas
DescriptionCourt of Pleas of the City of Worcester - notebook containing minutes of the court for one day, 26 April 1919 (1 vol.)

Notebook of fees in the Court of Pleas, Feb 1889-Nov 1946 (1 vol.) Contains a table of fees for Registrars of Borough Courts of Record and Bailiffs, 1839 (on separate document loose within notebook) .

The Worcester Daily Times and Journal, Tuesday 8 May 1894.

Rules made under section 182 of the Municipal Corporations Act. 1882, for regulating the procedure, practice and pleadings in the Worcester City Civil Court, commonly called the Court of Pleas. Rules for applying the procedure under the Judicature Acts.

Draft Affidavit by the Town Clerk of Worcester for the High Court of Justice Queens Bench Division relating to the proposed abolition of 9 Worcester City Court of Pleas. (19th century).

List of 'New Rules' for the Court of Record for the Hundred of Salford in the County of Lancaster following the Judicature Acts of 1873 & 1875. New Rules dated Oct 1878.

Brief for the Corporation of Worcester in the High Court of Justice, Queens Bench Division, relating to the arrangements for a sitting of the Worcester City Court of Pleas in the Action of Milward v Smith, 1894.

Writ of Mandamus from the High Court of Justice (Queens Bench Dlivision) ordering a sitting of the Worcester Court of Pleas to hear a case between Mary Letitia Millward (Plaintiff) and Arthur Edwin Smith (Defendant) 7 May 1894.

Jury list for the Court of Pleas, 5 Jan 1894, Milward v Smith.

Brief for the Corporation of Worcester regarding the High Court of Justice Queens Bench Division, an application to make absolute, the Rule nisi, and the hearing of Milward v Smith in the Worcester City Court of Pleas. No date.

Copy Rule nisi in relation to a writ of mandamus in the case of Mary Letitia Millward (Plaintiff) and Arthur Edwin Smith (Defendant) in the Court of Pleas, Worcester. Document issued by the High Court of Justice, Queens Bench Division, 13 March 1894.

Copy Rule absolute in mandamus ordering the hearing of Mary Letitia Millward v Arthur Edwin Smith in the Court of Pleas. From :he High Court of Justice, Queens Bench Division, May 1894.

Copy Order making rule absolute re a writ of mandamus in case of Mary Letitia Millward (Plaintiff) and Arthur Edwin Smith (Defendant) in the Court of Pleas, Worcester. Document issued by the High Court of Justice, Queens Bench Division, 7 May 1894.

Writ to the Mayor Recorder & Aldermen of the City of Worcester concerning a plea of Trespass between Edward Smitheram & Charles Clarke, 1826.

Writ that small plaints and suits against Adam Dods brought by George Oliver & Thomas Reeves should be heard in Worcester. 1827.

Document concerning the delivery to bail of Thomas Holt, at the suit of William Wood, in the Worcester City Court of Pleas, 1827.

Document concerning the delivery to bail of Edward Hutchinson of Bromyard, Herefordshire, at the suit of Daniel Cowell in the Court of Pleas of the City of Worcester, 1824.

Notes relating to an unidentified legal case, 28 May 1827.

Draft affidavit by the Town Clerk of Worcester, Samuel Southall, in the High Court of Justice, Queen's Bench Division, 1894 (pages 3-6 plus cover page only).

Unidentified jury list (2 pages undated).

Copy of the Orders & Rules of the Tolzey and Pie Poudre Courts of the City & County of Bristol - relates to applying the Judicative Acts procedure, June 1878.

Writ ordering a trial viz Thomas Turberville (Plaintiff) & Thomas Bradley (Defendant) on a plea of Trespass, March 1826.

Writ to bring William Cocks Johnson to trial for trespass against Philip Payne Wright. Endorsed with the Serjeant at Mace's reply that William Cocks Johnson was not to be found within the city. Dated April 1822.

Writ to the Serjeants at Mace of Worcester commanding them to bring John Wilkinson the elder to trial on a plea of trespass against John Stanton the Younger, 25 Sept 1826.

Writ to the Serjeants at Mace of Worcester commanding them to assemble a jury to hear plea of trespass in John Cludley Broadfields (Plaintiff) v Samuel Reece (Defendant). 7 May 1827.

Writ to the Serjeants at Mace of Worcester com~anding them to assemble a jury to hear John Hearris? (Plaintiff) v Eli Ellis (Defendant) on a plea of trespass, 4 June 1827.

Writ to the Serjeants at Mace of Worcester to hear the case of James Lucy (Defendant) v Thomas France (Plaintiff) on a plea of trespass, 26 July 1824

Writ to the Serjeants at Mace of Worcester Commanding them to levy costs & damages from Henry Houghton, the losing party in a case against Thomas James, 14 May 1827.

Writ issued by Charles Eli King to Amelia Simmonds for her to appear in the Court of Record, Derby, at the suit of Charles Eli King in a case of money owed to him under a promissory note, 11 May 1885.

Writ of Summons, Court of Pleas, from the reign of Queen Victoria. Blank apart from the name 'Maria' to whom it is addressed.

Writ of summons to Court of Pleas, Worcester, [19th cent].Blank apart from the following addition in pencil - that If the defendant fails to appear the Plaintiff may sign final Judgment for any sum not exceeding the sum claimed with interest at the rate specified. (The addition is underlined).

Writ of summons Court of Pleas. Pencil alterations, otherwise blank [19th cent].

Recognisance for the appearance of Thomas Holt, Thomas Prosser and John Dinmore Stevenson on a plea of trespass against William Wood, 20 January 1827.

6 Newspaper cuttings regarding the Court of Pleas, Worcester from 1894.

Letter to the Mayor from a Mr Holland apologising for being unable to attend a meeting, 4 Sept 1894. Note re a legal case on reverse side.

15 pages of handwritten notes by the Recorder of Worcester on his role in relation to the Court of Pleas and the origin & limits of the Court's role. No date.

Bill of Costs for the case of Joan Mary Farmer v Edward Thompson in the Court of Pleas, City of Worcester, 1927 "No 18".

Documents re Wilfred Dennis Redding v W Holding in the City of Worcester Court of Pleas, "No 19": · Pleadings - Appearance - Statement of Claim - Action for trial - Order for trial - Writ issued by Eustace Roberts, solicitor for Wilfred Dennis Redding to W Holding ordering his appearance in the Court of Pleas, 7 March 1927 - Agreement by Percy Frank Bozward, acting for the plaintiff, W D Redding, a minor, that Mr Eustace Roberts should act as solicitor & prosecute an action on her behalf - Affidavit of Fitness of Guardian ad litem & consent to Act (re Thomas Dadswell, guardian of WFH Holding, Defendant) 30 March 1927 - Subpoena for Dr John Dennis Hopkins Wearing to appear in Court at the Guildhall re Redding v Holding. Subpoena dated 1 July 1927 - Subpoena for Mrs Ethel Trump to appear in court at the Guildhall re Redding v Holding. Subpoena dated 1 July 927 (2 copies) - Rough handwriten and typed altered draft for the above Subpoenas - Bill of Costs of the Plaintiff, 7 Sept 1927 - Notes (handwritten) on proceedings of the trial, Redding v Holding: witnEsses sworn in, damages claimed,judgment etc 6 July 1927.

Civil Judicial Statistics Court of Pleas. Return of the Proceedings during the year for the following years: 1897;1911;1913 - 1920; 1922 - 1930.

Judgement in the Court of Pleas, Worcester, in the case of Arthur Fildes v J Edwards Feb 1889 (2 sheets)

Consent to judgment being drawn up & agreement to pay debt & costs in instalments. Drawn up by J Edwards, defendant & addressed to Registrar of the Courts (4 sheets, including 1 blank).

Handwritten description of court rules & procedures entitled 'Observation in the Court of Record of the City of Worcester (9 sheets)' .

List of statutes affecting court rules & procedures (3 sheets, including 1 blank).

Handwritten texts of parts of charters (Philip and Mary and James I) empowering the Court of Pleas (14 sheets).

List of costs for a case identifiable only as 'an action for £20'.

List of 'pleas, plaints, actions, suits, demands' .

Blank writ from the reign of Queen Victoria to the Sergeants at Mace of City of Exeter. On reverse side contains the words 'EXETER. WRIT of Fi.Fa'.

Bristol Tolzey Court: list of orders & rules 1870 -1881 affecting the court .

Witness' Oath swearing in card.

Printed Copy of Juries Act, 1918, c 23.

Printed copy of Rules for Regulating the Practice Under and Carrying into Effect the First Part of the Debtors Act, 1869, in the Tolzey Court of the City & County of Bristol.

Newspaper cutting: a letter to the editor of Berrow's Worcester Journal. Letter printed under the heading The City Court of Pleas,' and gives an analysis of the history and purpose of the court which some were considering reviving. Letter by J B Matthew. 31 March 1888.

2 white envelopes with the Worcester City Crest on the front. One is blank. The other contains the words 'House [?] v Smallman .. 57'.

Writ of Summons, Court of Pleas, from the reign of Queen Victoria. IVrit to 'G B'. Not dated. Handwritten alterations.

Handwritten list of court procedures (Court at Record) in courts in various towns throughout the country, 4-14 Sept 1894 (2 pages).

Printed 'Report of the Town Clerk of the Court of Pleas for the Borough of Preston' Ordered to be printed, May 19 1886.

Report of the Law & Parliamentary Committee to the Council as to the appointment of a Judge of the Guildhall Court to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Mr Carlos Cooper [Norwich City Guildhall Court]. Printed document, Nov 19 1897.

Handwritten extracts from Orders in Council published in London Gazette of 29 July 1856 and which relate to the Court of Pleas, Worcester City.

An Act for the Better Administration of Justice in Certain Boroughs [20th August 1836]. Printed.

Jury list for the Court of Pleas, 25 April 1919 (2 printed copies differing in their hand-written annotations).

Handwritten document, entitled 'The Borough Court of Pleas', describing the restriction & limitation of business given the Court of Pleas from approx 1857 onwards. No date on document.

Court of Pleas Jury lists for the following dates: Tues 22 May 1894, Millard v Smith; 7 January 1896;25 April 1899 [the initial date of 6 June 1898 is kept in some places & crossed out in others].

Brief handwritten note concerning a charter of 1 Edward IV, 20 December 1461.

Unidentified brief handwritten note.
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