
Reference Number468 BA8121/1a-1b, b468 BA8121/2-3
Hierarchy Browser Number191/138s/1
TitleOmbersley Endowed First School
Description1a/1. [Ombersley Endowed School]. Log book, [1875]-1892.
1a/2. Ombersley School. Log book, 1903-1915.
1b/1. Ombersley Mixed and Infants Schools. Log book, 1915-1952.
1b/2. Ombersley Handicraft Centre. Log book, 1926-1942.
2. A register of the acts of the Trustees of Richard Lloyd's Charity School in Ombersley, 1729-1823, with news Scheme for School, 1873; Trustees of Ombersley Charity School. Order Book, 1824-1874; Governors of Lloyd's Charity School and other Endowments in Ombersley. Signed minutes, 1874-1935; Governors of Lloyd's Educational Foundation, Ombersley. Signed minutes, 1935-1970.
3. Ombersley and Sytchampton [in Ombersley] Endowed Schools. Signed minutes of Managers' meetings, 1903-1963; Richard Lloyd's Charity School. Treasurers' accounts, 1729-1822; Ombersley Charity School. Account book, 1823-1889; Ombersley Schools. Account book, 1889-1905; accounts of Ombersley Poor Property, 1859-1941.
Access ConditionsLog books closed for 50 years from date of last entry.
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