
Reference Numberf705:73 BA14450/237/1-15; b 705:73 BA14450/235/3-6
Hierarchy Browser Number350/4/9/2/1/1
TitleManor of Griff and Chilvers Coton, Warwickshire
DescriptionBundle of deeds and related papers concerning the purchase of the manor and lordship of Griff and Chilvers Coton, Warwickshire, including an abstract of title for the property compiled in 1635 (b 705:73 BA14450/235/3).

By bargain and sale in 1561 John Gyfforde [Gifford] of Chyllyngton [Chillington], Staffordshire, Esquire and his wife Joyce purchased the manor of Griff and Chilvers Coton from Thomas Lyfelde of Stoke Dawborne [Stoke Dabernon], Surrey, Esquire and his wife Frances, for a consideration of £1050 (associated final concord, bond for performance of covenants and receipt can be found at b 705:73 BA14450/235/4-6). A common recovery dated 25th June 1651, bearing the Court of Common Pleas seal of Elizabeth I shows the manor and related lands passing from Thomas Lyfeld and Frances his wife [tenants in tail] to John Gifford and Joyce his wife [demandants]. The abstract shows that in October 1579 Walter Gifford, eldest son of John Gifford, and his wife Phillippa became entailed in the property by virtue of their marriage settlement, entering the property upon the death of John Gifford in 1613. The abstract also shows that the property later passed to Peter Gifford, Walter's eldest son, and that on 7th February 1631 a feoffment for the consideration of £3700 saw Richard Chamberlayne and Hugh Awdeley, Esquires take the property. Richard Chamberlayne leased the manor to Humphrey Colles of the Middle Temple, London, Esquire for 60 years. The existing deed shows John Lyne of the City of London, gent and William Bromall of the City of Worcester, gent purchased the manor from Richard Chamberlayne for the consideration of £4000 on 22nd February 1635/36. The manor of Griff and Chilvers Coton came into the ownership of the Coventry family by lease and release in August 1649, when Thomas Coventry, 2nd Baron of Allesborough purchased the manor from John Lyne. In May 1670 the land was subject to a mortgage by demise for 1000 years from the said Thomas Coventry to Sir William Coventry of the parish of St Martin in the Fields, Middlesex, for a consideration of £2000.
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