
Reference Number705:73 BA14450/289/10 (1-18)
Hierarchy Browser Number350/7/10/1/15
TitleLetters from Deerhurst [George William Coventry, Viscount Deerhurst and 8th Earl of Coventry]
DescriptionLetters sent from Peggy Pitches eldest son and heir to the 7th Earl's estate, many of which are sent from Cowes where he spent much time sailing.
Item 705:73 BA14450/289/10 (1) talks of arrangements with Lady Beauchamp regarding his son [George William Viscount Deerhurst]. Mentions giving notice to the servants, which ought to have been done within a month of the funeral [of his father, 7th Earl of Coventry].
Item 705:73 BA14450/289/10 (2) talks of Barnes [M. W. Barnes] accepting the £100 a year on the terms proposed. Sir H[enry] Halford [Sir Henry Halford, 1st Baronet (1766–1844), royal physician] will come to London to see his poor father.
Item 705:73 BA14450/289/10 (3) talks of Barnes's plans for a final residence [for himself and Lady Georgiana Coventry]. Sir H. Halford attended to the King but has not had time to attend to his father. The end of this letter is missing.
Item 705:73 BA14450/289/10 (4) talks of Sir Henry Halford's plans to attend to his sick father. His mother is anxious to leave London but urges her to stay until his father's needs have been assessed. Item 705:73 BA14450/289/10 (5) states he wished to preserve a silence when Sir Halford visited his father, to allow him to form an opinion without interference 'as to the real state of the case - because he would then be able to alleviate my poor father, in the best way'. Is going to dine with Mr Nash at Cowes Castle [Isle of Wight].
Item 705:73 BA14450/289/10 (6) is sorry to hear his father has had a bad night, concludes that it was caused by irritation. Weather has been good for sailing, though bad for general pleasure. The ball was well attended. The Duke of Gloucester is coming to stay at his friend Mr Ward's and he has been invited every day during his stay.
Item 705:73 BA14450/289/10 (7) the Duke [of Gloucester] arrived yesterday and the reception given him by the R[oyal] Y[acht] Club will never be forgotten.
Item 705:73 BA14450/289/10 (8) the Duke has now departed. Asks to be told when his mother decides on going to Croome.
705:73 BA14450/289/10 (9) written from Severn Bank [Worcestershire], approves of the kindness shown by Peggy towards her grandchild Walter [son of M. W. Barnes and Lady Georgiana], though asks that she adheres to the £180 requested [for Walter's education] rather than rounding up to £200. Refers to his mother's control over 'the money proceedings, the property' rather than his own [the Countess of Coventry appears to have taken control of the running of the estate during the 7th Earl's ill health. George William would not gain control over these affairs until he inherited the estate on the death of his father].
Item 705:73 BA14450/289/10 (10) talks of the death of the King [George IV, d. 26 June 1830], 'most sincerely did I pray for the rest of his soul - for in my conscience I believe his heart was always in the right place - however others may differ''.
Item 705:73 BA14450/289/10 (12) talks of W[illia]m's [brother of 8th Earl] concerns and what should be done about them.
Item 705:73 BA14450/289/10 (13) reports that 'W[illia]m's poor child died at 9 oC. last night - nothing could be done for it - from the beginning it was nearly a hopeless case'.
Item 705:73 BA14450/289/10 (14) states High Green Farm was not finally let, but probably will be. Gaunt is no longer worthy of being kept in his farm. Mr Price was the only tenant to have neither attended the audit nor sent his money. Further writing on the envelope talks of an 11 year old girl dying in Worcester after being run over by a coach.
Item 705:73 BA14450/289/10 (15) talks of the repairs needed to the steps and bridge at Croome Court, 'they are in almost a state of decomposition, and will be down before Xmas altogether, [and] are absolutely dangerous to go up and down'. Depsite getting the best bargain he could from Williams, his mother appears reluctant to agree to the work being done.
Item 705:73 BA14450/289/10 (16) is glad that Peggy has agreed to Williams doing the work to repair the steps at Croome.
Item 705:73 BA14450/289/10 (17) has claimed his ticket as a 'Peers Eldest son, for the funeral on Thursday' [of King George IV].
Item 705:73 BA14450/289/10 (18) is signed Coventry as he has now inherited the title after the death of his father. Talks of Barbara's illness. Is having a large dinner party tomorrow with the Mayor and Corporation [of the City of Worcester]. Received vote of thanks from the County Magistrates for his 'long services to the County as Vice Lt. [Lieutenant]'.
Date17 Aug 1826-28 Jun 1831
Physical DescriptionItems 705:73 BA14450/289/10 (4, 5 and 18) require conservation, affected by damp, crumbling.
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