
Reference Number705:73 BA14450/297/1 (4) a-e
Hierarchy Browser Number350/7/12/1/39
TitleLetter from Tho. [Thomas] Dickinson
DescriptionLetter sent from London, which talks of his succesful appeal to the Privy Council, in which an award of £12,000 was granted in addition to that given by the Admiralty Court. Gives thanks for the extreme kindness shown towards him. Talks of rumours of a change of Ministry and of the Duke of Wellington [Sir Arthur Wellesley] going to Ireland. Item 705:73 BA14450/297/1 (4) b is sent from the Admiralty by [Sir] James Graham talking of the promotion of Captain T. Dickinson, which was previously delayed owing to false rumours spread about him. Item 705:73 BA14450/297/1 (4) c is a copy of a letter sent to Graham from Lord Coventry, stating that given that Dickinson's promotion was delayed owing to false rumours, then the date of his commission ought to be back dated. Item 705:73 BA14450/297/1 (4) d is a receipt for money paid for a Bill of Costs for Dickinson.
Date23 Jun 1834
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