
Reference Number705:73 BA14450/295/11 (1-5)
Hierarchy Browser Number350/7/12/1/4
TitleLetters to and from M. D. [Lady Mary Beauclerk (1791-1845), Viscountess Deerhurst, later Countess of Coventry, 2nd wife of the 8th Earl of Coventry]
DescriptionItem 705:73 BA14450/295/11 (1) talks of an anonymous letter sent talking of Mary's behaviour. Asks that he does not let these letters 'annoy your mind and temper'. Protests her innocence and states 'I do love you - and would prefer living with you in any state - to the wretchedness of being separated, or never seeing you again'. Includes a small note signed Mary Deerhurst, stating 'I give my word of honour I will not mention your Brother's dishonour or my own to any Lady whatever'.
Item 705:73 BA14450/295/11 (2) is a letter sent to Lady Mary, believed to be written by William James Coventry [brother of George William, 8th Earl of Coventry, who had an affair with Lady Mary], which refers covertly to their affair and requests that if his letters and her diary have not been destroyed, to send them in a packet to him. Talks of the misery it will bring on if they are discovered. 'My sentiments for you are the same'.
Items 705:73 BA14450/295/11 (3-4) are letters sent by Lady Mary to William James Coventry, the first declaring her affections for him and talking of her feelings for him, the latter talks of consigning his letter to the flames according to his wish. Talks of how her spirit has always been with him. Asks if he loves her. 'I have been reading the trial, which has alarmed me! You see the risk - but, one moments pleasure repays me for many an hour of pain!'.
Item 705:73 BA14450/295/11 (5) is sent to her husband Deerhurst [later 8th Earl of Coventry], talks of a 'vile anonymous letter' to which she protests her innocence and talks of how she does not wish to be separated from him.
Date23 Dec 1814-30 Dec 1814
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