
Reference Numberx705:73 BA14450/453 (i-ii)
Hierarchy Browser Number350/7/24/6
Descriptionx 705:73 BA14450/453 (i) Presented to George William, 9th Earl of Coventry by the tenants of his estate to mark the occasion of his reaching his majority. The Coventry family coat-of-arms is drawn in colour, with a statement undersigned by the tenants. Dated 9th May 1859.
Linen backed paper.
x 705:73 BA14450/453 (ii) Presented to George William, 9th Earl of Coventry and the Countess of Coventry [Lady Blanche] on the occassion of their son, Viscount Deerhurst [George William], reaching his majority. Signed by tenants of the estate. Dated 15th November 1886.
Card backed paper.
Date9 May 1859-15 Nov 1886
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