
Reference Number705:73 BA14450/292/11 (1-5)
Hierarchy Browser Number350/7/9/1/101
TitleBundle of documents relating to agreements regarding William Kitching, the alleged illegitimate child of George William, 7th Earl of Coventry
DescriptionItems 705:73 BA14450/292/11 (1) a-c are bills noting payments of half a years rent, repairs and water received from Lord Deerhurst [later 7th Earl of Coventry] to Amelia Kitching.
Item 705:73 BA14450/292/11 (2) is a solicitor's bill regarding legal action threatened against Dr Battine, Lord Coventry and others 'for a conspiracy to effect and effecting, the seduction of Doctor Battine's servant Mary Ann Kitching, and she having in consequence thereof pretended to be with child by my Lord Coventry and having threatened to filiate the same upon his Lordship' [Mary Ann Kitching continued to claim that her son, William Kitching, was the son of the 7th Earl. It is not clear whether this was the truth, but Lord Coventry gave many monetary contributions towards the child's upbringing and education, in attempts to prevent exposure of the case. William Kitching was eventually placed into an apprenticeship by the Coventry family to help provide for his future].
Item 705:73 BA14450/292/11 (3) is a release and quit claim, executed by Joseph Kitching, cordwainer [believed to be the father of Mary Ann Kitching], releasing Lord Coventry from any actions, bills, claims or prosecutions which have been brought or would be brought against him by himself and his heirs.
Items 705:73 BA14450/292/11 (4-5) are notes stating Mr Blackiston's recollections regarding the above release, which 'was to indemnify Lord [Coventry] from being troubled any more by Mr Kitchin[g].
Date4 Jan 1799- 10 Apr 1824
Physical DescriptionItems 705:73 BA14450/292/11 (1) a-c have been badly affected by damp, fragile and crumbling. Require conservation.
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