
Reference Number705:73 BA14450/174/1
Hierarchy Browser Number350/8/2/2/2
TitleJudgement of John Hampden regarding Ship Money levy
DescriptionWritten judgement by Thomas Coventry [Sir Thomas Coventry, Lord Keeper of the Great Seal of England, 1st Baron of Allesborough [1578-1640] regarding the case of John Hampden [c.1595-1643] of Stoke Mandevill and his refusal to pay the one pound Ship Money levy demanded of him according to the Writ dated 4 August 11 Charles I [1635]. Lord Coventry sets the case out in writing and also gives his judgement for the prosecution of Hampden.
Dated 10 February 13 Charles I at the Leschequer Chamber [Court of the Exchequer].
Date10 Feb 1638
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