
Reference Number705:104 BA15492/124/11/1-18
Hierarchy Browser Number4294/6/9/13/4/1
TitleThe settlement of the estate of Thomas Lord Lyttelton
Description1 Account of moneys received by Wilson Aylesbury Roberts on the sale of Lord Lyttelton's estate for the purpose of dicharging the mortgages thereon from Oct 1775 to Jul 1776

former ref 23/10/1 3Mitech 240825

2. Account of money owed to Wilson Aylesbury Roberts for law charges to the time of his [Lord Lyttelton's] death, 1777-1779

former ref 23/10/17 Mitech 240825

3 Account of legacies paid by Lord Westcote and Mr Roberts as executors of Lord Lyttelton, 1780

former ref 23/10.22 Mitech 240825

4 Receipt of Alicia Dawson relating to her legacy, 1780

former ref 23/10/18 Mitech 240825

5 Case for the opinion of counsel relating to the status of Mrs Dawson's annuity, 1780

former ref 23/10/19 Mitech 240825

6 Receipt from William Waldron and William Aylesbury Roberts curators or guardians of Margaret Amphlett a minor in respect of a legacy left to her, 1781

former ref 25/10/16 Mitech 240825

7 Account for the executors of Thomas Lord Lyttelton deceased for necessary business done in the course of the executorship, 1779-1783

former ref 6 Mitech 240812

8 Account of monies paid by Lord Westcote and Mr Roberts as ex[ecut]ors of Lord Lyttelton in discharge of his debts [late 18th cent]

former ref 38/1

9 Receipt for various payments and legacies, 1784

former ref 38/1

10 Receipt of Elizabeth Amphlett in respect of legacy, 1780

former ref 38/1

11 Receipt of Christian Amphlett and Margaret Amphlett for a pair of diamond earrings and necklace, 1780

former ref 38/1

12-14 Receipts of W Shippey, Richard Harding and John Gray in respect of legacies, 1780-81

former ref 38/1

15 Discharge from Arthur, Viscount Valentia one of the residuary legatees of Thomas Lord Lyttelton deceased to William Henry [Lyttelton], Lord Westcote and William Aylesbury Roberts Esqr the other residuary legatees and acting executors in respect of legacies and annuities. With related schedule, 1785

former 23/10/23

16 Case for the opinion of counsel in respect of the rightful owner of the stock brought with the money set apart for the late Henry Peach from eight bonds from the East India Company in Bengal [India] and other effects from Bengal which formed part of the estate of Col Joseph Smith former husband of Apphia Lyttelton, widow of Thomas Lord Lyttelton, some of which was set apart for the maintenance and education of Henry Peach, Joseph Peach's nephew

former ref 23/10/24

17 The subsequent account of Wilson Aylesbury Roberts with Thomas Lord Lyttelton to the day of his death, 1778-1781

former ref 16/1 Mitech 240811

18 Account of Wilson Aykesbury Roberts one of the executors of the Right Honourable Lord Lyttelton deceased of monies paid by him on account of the estate of the said Lord Lyttelton 1779-1784

former ref 16/1 Mitech 249811
Physical DescriptionSome torn
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