
Reference Number705:104 BA15492/134/1
Hierarchy Browser Number4294/6/9/16/10
TitleReports on Jamaica
DescriptionCopies of reports to the House of Commons and others on the state of affairs in Jamaica


Report to the House of Commons upon the State of the Island of Jamaica, 1753

Representation to His Majesty relating to Disputes & Differences between Gov[erno]r Knowles and the Assembly of Jamaica and the Courts of Justice there, 1754

Report to the Lords of the Committee of Council for Plantation Affairs relative to the Removal of the Seat of Government etc in the Island of Jamaica, 1755

Report to the Lords of the Committee of Council for Plantation Affairs upon the Representation & address of the Assembly of Jamaica relating to the fixing of the Seat of Government, Courts of Offices etc, 1757

Report to the Lords of the Committee of Council for Plantation Affairs inclosing a Plan for a Division of the Island of Jamaica into three districts, 1757

Copy of an Order of His Majesty in Council to the Governor or Commander in Chief of the Island of Jamaica to transmit a copy draught or Heads of a law for dividing the Island into three districts, 29 June 1758

Copy of His Majesty's Order in Council relative to the Mosquito Shore, 1744

Copy of the Duke of Bedford's letter to Gov[erno]r Trelawny about [the arrangements for]drawing [money] for Capt Hodson's salary [for supervising the settlement on the Mosquito Coast], 5 Oct 1749
Physical DescriptionSlight splitting on spine
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