
Reference Numberb496.5 BA9360/bU14/1 - 34
Hierarchy Browser Number8001/1/17/1/11
TitleBox list of Miscellaneous Documents from the Town Clerk
Description1 - 9 November 1933 - 2 October 1934 - From meeting on 9th Nov. 1933 to Meeting on 2nd October 1934. Council Letters [sic].
2 - 24/9/1934 - Letter of thanks from Corporation Electricity Works recreation Club for grant to extending Institute at Sports Ground.
3 - 14/9/1934 - Letter of thanks for grant to make a Joint Sports Ground at Perdiswell for use of Police and local government officers.
4 - 1/7/1934 - Letters re the representation of the Council at Worcestershire Territorial Army Association functions.
5 - 19/6/1934 - Letter from Councillor Arrowsmith Maund re his proposal to use the Market Hall as the site for "The Edward Elgar Hall of Music".
6 - 1/6/1934 - Letters re trustees on The Charities of St Michael's in Bedwardine.
7 - 31/5/1934 - Letter from F Chandler, Secretary for Education re improvements to St Clements School.
8 - 1/4/1934 - Proposal from Arrowsmith Maund that to encourage defence of the country, all employees should be given extra week's holiday with pay if they attend Training Camps.
9 - 30/4/1934 - Letter from Ancient Order Forresters inviting mayor and corporation to a Centenary Service in the Cathedral on Sunday June 3rd.
10 - 1/4/1934 - Letters re a pension for retired council worker FN Teague.
11 - March/April 1934 - Re Child benefit to be paid for children of the unemployed.
12 - March/April 1934 - Letters re the relief for unemployed and possible reduction of benefits.
13 - 23/3/1934 - Letter from Stage and Allied Arts defence league re removal of tax on theatres as there has been a great decline in live performances and booklet from Sir Oswald Stoll called "Save our Theatres".
14 - 1/2/1934 - Articles re unemployment of able bodied and rate of pay.
15 - 1/2/1934 - Article re the baking and delivery of bread on Sundays.
16 - 10/2/1934 - Letter acknowledging Council's donation of 50 guineas to help purchase the Codex Sinaiticus.
17 - 1/12/1933 - Articles re the Seasonal unemployment of Painters from Ministry of Labour.
19 - 1933/34 - Booklets announcing each monthly meeting of the Council and outlining topics for discussion and reports from sub committees, including appointment of teachers to St Clements, Cherry Orchard, Samuel Southall and Christopher Whitehead Schools and improvements to City, names of councillors, letters of condolences to wives of deceased councillors.
20 - January 1 1933 to 31 July 1933 - Private letters of Town Clerk CH Digby-Seymour.
21 - 24/7/1933 - Letter from Town Clerk to Mr JR Anthony, Solicitor re the inquest of Mr David Jones, Deceased and a compensation claim for negligence.
22 - 1/7/1933 - letters between Town Clerk and Mr J Anthony, Solicitor re an introductory letter from the Council to take on a trip to Hungary on Scouting business.
23 - July 20 1933 - Invitation from Rainbow Hill and District Ex Servicemen's Club to attend opening of a new Billiard Table and entertainment by Mr Arthur Groundrill of trick shots etc.
24 - June 15 1933 - Receipt from Birmingham and Midland Motor Co re a booking for Aldershot Tattoo on June 16.
25 - April 5 1933 - Invitation to Town Clerk to be a vice-president of the newly formed Worcester Amateur Cricket League.
26 - 1/3/1933 - letters form the Metal box Co re the housing problem in Worcester as he has a foreman living in "digs".
27 - 1/2/1933 - Article and programme for 1933 Three Choirs Festival to be held in Hereford.
28 - undated - Articles re West Midlands Branch of Town Clerks` Association.
29 - undated - Letters of reference for F Chandler, JH Moore, LA Webster.
30 - undated - Invitations to social functions at Open Air School, Rugby Club, Regatta, Regimental functions etc.
31 - July 13 1933 - Letter and article concerning Coats of Arms.
32 - undated - Worcester and District Town Planning Committee Book. Pages removed and one page of book used for building diary in 1987.
33 - January 3 1947 - Receipted bill from Worcester News and Times to Worcester Corporation.
34 - October 11 1948 - Notice to paper of Audit of Accounts of Worcester and District Town and Country Planning Association.
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