
Reference Numberb496.5 BA9360/bU15/1 - 32
Hierarchy Browser Number8001/1/17/1/12
TitleBox list of Miscellaneous Documents from the Town Clerk
Description1 - 1934/5 - Town Clerk, Mr C Digby-Seymour`s, private letters from June 9 1934 to March 31 1935.
2 - 1934/35 - monthly minutes from the Society of Town Clerks, West Midlands Branch and full list of membership 1934.
3 - June 11 1934 - 4 items - Enquiries to 4 hotels in Scotland for tariff re a week's stay beginning 17th June, including salmon or sea trout fishing.
4 - June 12 1934 - 2 items - letter from Herbert Hatton, Fishing Tackle dealer, St Owens St , Hereford re fishing in the Wye and Town Clerk's reply.
5 - Jun-34 - 5 items - Letters to and from Car and General Insurance Co, Foregate St re the risk of 3rd Party insurance.
6 - June 21 1924 - 4 items - Two invitations from Worcester college for the Blind (Speech Day and the Regatta,) and replies.
7 - Mar-34 - 10 items - Lists of persons enquiring as to the health of his sick son
8 - July 10 1934 - 2 items - Booklet called "Gas in the Faithful City" re the new extensions to Worcester gasworks in Lowesmoor; Dinner menu and information booklet for the opening of the Vertical Retort Installation.
9 - July 13 1934 - 2 items - Letter to Olive Nicholls, Bank House, Sherbourne, Dorset, re health of his son, describing nature of illness and treatment of his son and re selling of land in will of J Hunter.
10 - July 19 1934 - 2 items - letter from George Yeates, Estate Agent, Foregate St re offer of £1,300 for purchase of property in Kempsey Estate and refusal to accept and reply from Town Clerk not raising the offer.
11 - July 13 1934 - 2 items - Letter from Town Clerk to WP Crawford Green MP re the suggestion of Canon Maynard Smith as Dean of Worcester.
12 - July 27 1934 - 1 item - Request from Dudley mayor for a contribution of £500 to provide a cot at Dudley Guest Hospital in honour of Dorothy Round to commemorate her achievements at Wimbledon.
13 - August 9 1934 - 3 items - Letter from Alderman Charles Edwards re the election of the next Mayor and whether the present mayor should serve another year and Town Clerk's reply.
14 - September 14 1934 - 3 items - Letters to The Worshipful master of Page Lodge regretting that he is unable to attend the 25th anniversary meeting and dinner; Booklet with menu for the above containing many names and photographs.
15 - 23 September 1934 - 4 items - Request from Mr AE Brown for support for St Barnabus Men's Club and Town Clerk's letter and donation of One Guinea. Thanks plus a receipt from Brown.
16 - Sep- 1925 - 3 items - Letters from treasurer of Worcester Royal Infirmary Gala 1934 Thanking Town Clerk for his bid for 1st cut of roast ox and receipt for payment/donation.
17 - 1933/34 - 1 item - Book let with reports and winners of Worcester Schools Athletic Association.
18 - November 5 1934 - 2 items - letter and ticket inviting town Clerk to Annual dinner of Master bakers and Confectioners Association from secretary FC Walker.
19 - Nov-34 - 4 items - Letters concerning leasing of Commandery House from Mr Seabright as Town Clerk is not sure he can stay in Old Precentory when there is a new Dean.
20 - November 16 1934 - 1 item - Town Clerk's Practising law Certificate for 1934/35.
21 - January 1 1935 - 2 items - Letter from Rev Moore-Ede referring to donation to Unemployed Occupational Centre by a cheque drawn on "King John's Tomb Account and Town Clerk's reply.
22 - January 27 1935 - 2 items - Letter from the Worcestershire Association referring to annual dinner to be held in London, inviting the mayor and mayoress. Stanley Baldwin is the President. Letter to Mayor from Town Clerk.
23 - January 25 1935 - 5 items - letter from Thomas R Jones of George Williams Press re the publication of a new paper-" The Worcester Evening News" on January 29th asking Town Clerk for a message of welcome. His informal jottings on the subject.
24 - February 1 1935 - 3 items - Committee's Report and accounts of the Union Club of Worcester.
25 - Feb-35 - 5 items - Letters re the licensing of pleasure boats.
26 - February 24 1935 - 2Items - Letter from Council for Preservation of Rural England asking Town Clerk to serve on the Provisional Committee of the Archaeological Society and his acceptance.
27 - February 25 1935 - 1 item - Letter to Oliver Hunt at Brasenose College, Oxford asking for his opinion on public schools suitable for his son.
28 - February 15 1935 - 1 item - Invitation to Conference of Workers for the blind in the Midlands in Birmingham.
29 -March 1935 - 3 items - Letters from Miss H M Rogers, Head of Thornbank School, Malvern Wells asking Town Clerk to recommend her school and his reply saying he would display some prospectuses.
30 - March 4 1935 - 3 items - Notice of and invitation to Hearts of Oak Benefit Society on March 26 at the Catholic hall and Town Clerk's reply.
31 - 1934/35 - 4 items - Personal letters to Town Clerk's son at Hillstone School.
32 - March 13 1935 - 1 item - Invitation to AGM of YMCA on April 4th which includes list of members of the committee etc.
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