
Reference Number496.5 BA9360/U5/1 - 137
Hierarchy Browser Number8001/1/17/1/3
TitleBox list of Miscellaneous Documents from the Town Clerk
Description1 - 16 January 1849 - 1 item - Minutes of a meeting of the Commissioners for the Improvement of the City.
2 - 20 February 1849 - 1 item - Minutes of a meeting of the Commissioners for the Improvement of the City held at the Guildhall.
3 - 17-Mar01849 - 1 item - Report of the Committee appointed for investigating new system of street cleaning.
4 - 20 March 1849 - 1 item - Minutes of a meeting.
5 - 17 April 1849 - 1 item - Minutes of a meeting of the Commissioners for the Improvement of the City held at the Guildhall.
6 - 15-May-1849 - 1 item - Minutes of a meeting of the Commissioners for the Improvement of the City held at the Guildhall.
7 - 21 June 1849 - 1 item - Minutes of a meeting of the City Commissioners.
8 - 17 July 1849 - 1 item - Minutes of a meeting of the Commissioners for the Improvement of the City held at the Guildhall.
9 - 9 November 1847 - 1 item - Minutes of a meeting of the Commissioners for the Improvement of the City held at the Guildhall.
10 - 22-11-1847 - 1 item - An Amendment of the Minutes of a meeting of the Commissioners for the Improvement of the City held at the Guildhall.
11 - 28 March 1848 - 1 item - Minutes of a meeting of the Commissioners for the Improvement of the City held at the Guildhall.
12 - 28 March 1848 - 1 item - Resolution to alter, widen twice and extend the Street or Road leading from Queen Street to the Cornmarket, Worcester.
13 - 28 March 1848 - 1 item - Notice of motion to adopt a petition against The Health and Towns Bill brought into the House of Commons by Lord Morpeth.
14 - 28 March 1848 - 1 item - Resolutions to receive and adopt the report of the Parliamentary Committee and to carry out alterations to the Cornmarket, Worcester
15 - 28 March 1848 - 1 item - Resolutions to read and adopt the report of the Engine Committee and the report of the Finance Committee that a Treasurer be elected at the next Commissioners meeting in place of Mr. George Farley Esquire, deceased.
16 - 4 August 1843 - 1 item - Report of the Drainage Committee to the City Commissioners.
17 - 14 August 1843 - 1 item - Financial details from the Minutes of the City Commissioners.
18 - 11 August 1843 - 1 item - Minutes of the Special Meeting of the City Commissioners on Mr. Varden's election as Surveyor.
19 - 1844 - 1 item - Minutes of a Meeting of the City Commissioners together with a copy of a report of the Drainage Committee and the Finance Committee.
20 - 26 March 1844 - 1 item - Minutes of a Meeting of the City Commissioners held at the Guildhall, Worcester.
21 - 27 August 1844 - 1 item - Minutes of a Meeting of the City Commissioners.
22 - 1 October 1844 - 1 item - M inutes of a Meeting of the City Commissioners.
23 - 29 October 1844 - 1 item - Minutes of a Meeting of the City Commissioners.
24 - 26 November 1844 - 1 item - Minutes of a Meeting of the City Commissioners.
25 - 31 December 1844 - 1 item - Minutes of a Meeting of the City Commissioners.
26 - 7 January 1845 - 1 item - Minutes of a Meeting of the City Commissioners.
27 - 20 January 1845 - 1 item - Minutes of a Meeting of the City Commissioners.
28 - 25 February 1845 - 1 item - Minutes of a Meeting of the City Commissioners.
29 - 11 March 1845 - 1 item - Minutes of a Meeting of the City Commissioners.
30 - 8 April 1845 - 1 item - Minutes of a Meeting of the City Commissioners.
31 - 8 July 1845 - 1 item - Minutes of a Meeting of the City Commissioners.
32 - 9 September 1845 - 1 item - Minutes of a Meeting of the City Commissioners.
33 - 14 October 1845 - 1 item - Minutes of a Meeting of the City Commissioners.
34 - 9 December 1845 - 1 item - Minutes of a Meeting of the City Commissioners.
35 - 13 January 1846 - 1 item - Minutes of a Meeting of the City Commissioners.
36 - 10 February 1846 - 1 item - Minutes of a Meeting of the City Commissioners.
37 - 10 March 1846 - 1 item - Minutes of a Meeting of the City Commissioners.
38 - 14 April 1846 - 1 item - Minutes of a Meeting of the City Commissioners held at the Guildhall, Worcester.
39 - 14 July 1846 - 1 item - Minutes of a Meeting of the Commissioners for the improvement of the City held at the Guildhall, Worcester.
40 - 8 September 1846 - 1 item - Minutes of a Meeting of the City Commissioners.
41 - 13 October 1846 - 1 item - Minutes of a Meeting of the City Commissioners, together with a resolution to appoint a Committee to enquire into the drainage of the City.
42 - 27 October 1846 - 1 item - Minutes of a Special Meeting of the City Commissioners to elect a Collector of Rates in place of Mr. Thomas Turner, resigned.
43 - 14 December 1847 - 1 item - Minutes of the Parliamentary Committee to appoint a Committee to oppose the improper clauses in the Sanitary, Gas and Turnpike Road Bills.
44 - 29 September 1848 - 1 item - Letter to the City Commissioners from Mr. Scott requesting permission to erect ornamental gas pillars on the front of his Victoria House premises at 65 & 66, Foregate Street and 1 & 2, Shaw Street.
45 - Undated - 1 item - Notes of voting on resolutions in Commissioners Minutes
46 - 20 October 1848 - 1 item - Questions and answer for the Commissioners regarding their legal duties and authority.
47 - 29 November 1848 - 1 item - Advertisement published in the Chronicle and Journal newspapers regarding the purchasing and demolition of Bull Entry premises to widen the footway and passage.
48 - Undated - 1 item - Petition of the Commissioners for the improvement of the City regarding the neglect of the sewerage, drainage and supply of water in the City.
49 - 19 December 1848 - 1 item - Various copies of minutes of a Meeting of the Commissioners for the improvement of the City held at the Guildhall, Worcester, specially convened to take into consideration the scheme to purchase and demolition premises in Bull Entry.
50 - 19 December 1848 - 1 item - Copy of motion to request the Law Clerk to take such steps as he may see fit to compel the Worcester to Birmingham Canal Company to free the watercourse in the Blockhouse area of the City.
51 - 4 December 1832 - 1 item - Invoice for City Commissioners' printing of Public Notices and Committee papers from H.B. Tymbs and H. Deighton, Printers and Publishers of Berrow's Worcester Journal.
52 - 5 January 1831 - 1 item - Letter from George Carden, Worcester Savings Bank, reporting the payment of one half of the years lighting of the City to Mr. Hill of the Gas Works.
53 - 1830 - 1 item - Statement of Income and Expenditure of the Water Rates Security.
54 - Undated - 1 item - List of Nuisances and Distress in the parish of St. Peter the Great, addressed to the Chairman of the Board of Health.
55 - 1 June 1830 - 1 item - Letter to the Widow Jenkins, Diglis Street applying a charge of 17 shillings for paving in Diglis Street, from C. Bedford, Clerk to the Commissioners.
56 - 7 July 1830 - 1 item - Letter address to Mr Bedford, Solicitors, informing him that Mr Carden will be obliged that the collection of the Water Rates to various listed individuals should be settled.
57 - 29 December ? - 1 item - Letter to Mr. Bedford, Solicitor from Herbert Cole, Secretary, Worcester Infirmary stating that Rev. Mr. Bedford had attended the previous Health Board meeting to report a nuisance in his Parish near to the Infirmary
58 - 24 July 1830 - 1 item - Letter from W. Suffield, Birmingham addressed to the Chairman of the Worcester Improvement Act Commissioners asking permission to submit specimen of his newly invented iron plates for names of streets, used in Liverpool and elsewhere.
59 - 11 August 1830 - 1 item - Letter from W. Suffield, Birmingham addressed to the Clerk of the Worcester Improvement Act Commissioners stating that his Agents will be visiting Worcester for the purpose of introducing his newly invented iron plates for names of streets.
60 - 8 April 1831 - 1 item - Statement giving the case put by Jonathan Hewlett, Wylds Lane regarding the demolition of his property to widen the road.
61 - 1830 - 1 item - Statement of Income and Expenditure of the Water Rates Security.
62 - 19 November ? - 1 item - Letter from Herbert Cole, Secretary, Worcester Infirmary to Mr. Bedford, Clerk of the Commissioners for Paving and Lighting requesting the paving and lighting of the streets to remove nuisances.
63 - 30 April 1830 - 1 item - List of payments by various property owners amounting to £50/9/6.
64 - 16 October 1829 - 1 item - Letter to the Commissioners of the Lamp and Water Rates signed by various house occupiers in the vicinity of the Bishop's Palace requesting extra lamps outside the Palace to avoid nuisance in the neighbourhood.
65 - 20 March 1831 - 1 item - Letter address to Mr Bedford, Solicitor, Sansome Street, informing him that Mr Carden suggests that Books be provided for the Collectors of the Water Assessment to avoid future delays.
66 - 30-May-1830 - 1 item - Letter from John Iredale, Waterworks Office, Shrewsbury to the Clerk of the Waterworks, Worcester requesting the assistance of a member of staff for a few days to fix the future rents in that city.
67 - 1830? - 1 item - Advertisement for Suffields newly-invented street plates sent to the Chairman of the Commissioners of the City of Worcester.
68 - 24 June 1830 - 1 item - Draft Notice regarding appeals against the Worcester Water, Watch and Lamp Rates to be held at the Guildhall, Worcester on 24th June 1830.
69 - Undated - 1 item - List of the remaining balances of Water Rate Assessment outstanding in various parishes of the City.
70 - 22 December ? - 1 item - Letter from Herbert Cole, Secretary, Worcester Infirmary to Mr. Bedford, Solicitor reporting to the Board of Health the need to repair a drain at the rear of the Bowling Green behind the Pheasant Inn.
71 - Undated - 1 item - Invoice for City Commissioners' from Mr. J. Jones, Star and Garter, Worcester regarding 17 yards of land in the Butts.
72 - 1831 - 1 item - List of the remaining balances of Water Rate Assessment outstanding in various parishes of the City.
73 - 18 February 1832 - 1 item - Letter to Mr. Bedford, Solicitor from Mr. Carden concerning the removal of a market that should have been authorised by the Mayor and Corporation only.
74 - 1830 - 1 item - Statement of payment from Mrs. Darnley to Thomas Davies, 11 Croft.
75 - 24 June 1831 - 1 item - Letter from George Carden, Worcester Savings Bank addressed to Mr. C. Bedford, Clerk to the Commissioners for Water Rates, reporting that Mr. Bullock is willing to take the collection of Water Rates for the parishes of St. Helen's and St. Andrew's.
76 - 8 December 1831 - 1 item - Letter from Herbert Cole, Worcester Infirmary, thanking the Board of Health for their prompt attention.
77 - Undated - 1 item - Amended resolution regarding the duties of the Watchmen in the Watchhouse during Summer and Winter.
78 - 27 August 1831 - 1 item - Invoice address to the Executrix of the late Mr. A. Maund for expenses regarding the passing of the Worcester Improvement Bill through the House of Commons.
79 - 1830 - 1 item - Letter from J. Webley, Foregate Street applying for the position of Watchman.
80 - 2 June 1830 - 1 item - Letter address to Messrs Willes, Raymonds and Bedford regarding request to either borrow money against or sell a property in Bromyard Road.
81 - 19 April 1832 - 1 item - Letter to Thomas Bedford, Clerk to the Commissioners for the Improvement of the City from Edward Hooper regarding a dispute over payment for the construction of a culvert through premises owned by Rowlands and Bonnakers on the westside of the Bridge.
82 - Undated - 1 item - Letter to Mr. Bedford, from J.Jones, Star and Garter Inn reminded the Commissioners of the claim for land taken in the Butts.
83 - 27 February 1832 - 1 item - Letter from Mr. Carden, Paradise Row to Mr. Bedford, regarding Mr. Owen's bill.
84 - 14 February 1831 - 1 item - Letter from Mr. Carden, Paradise Row to Mr. Bedford, regarding the settlement of the Accounts under the Improvement Act.
85 - 6 December 1831 - 1 item - Letter from Robert M. Streeton, M.D. Hon. Secretary of the Board of Health, to the Commissioners thanking them for their prompt and efficient assistance to remove nuisances in the City parishes.
86 - 19 March 1831 - 1 item - Letter from John Onions, regarding the payment for the supply of iron to the Worcester Waterworks Company with a note on the reverse regarding a complaint made on 14th April 1832 that all the lights were out in the Blockhouse area of the city.
87 - 15 August 1833 - 1 item - Invoice for City Commissioners' printing of Public Notices and Committee papers from H.B. Tymbs and H. Deighton, Printers and Publishers of Berrow's Worcester Journal.
88 - 8 December 1846 - 1 item - Minutes of the meeting of the City Commissioners.
89 - 1846 - 1 item - Minute of a meeting of the City Commissioners regarding the inspection of the building in Lowesmoor owned by Mr. Griffin.
90 - 12 January 1847 - 1 item - Minutes of the meeting of the City Commissioners
91 - 25 January 1847 - 1 item - Minutes of a special meeting of the City Commissioners regarding abandonment of the further persecution of the (?Improvement) Bill through Parliament.
92 - 9 February 1847 - 1 item - Minutes of the meeting of the City Commissioners.
93 - 9 March 1847 - 1 item - Minutes of the meeting of the City Commissioners.
94 - 19 April 1847 - 1 item - Minutes of an adjourned meeting of the City Commissioners.
95 - 13 April 1847 - 1 item - Minutes of the meeting of the City Commissioners.
96 - 19-April-1847 - 1 item - Minutes of an adjourned meeting of the City Commissioners held at 6.00 p.m. to present a petition against the Health of Towns Bill.
97 - 12- May-1847 - 1 item - Minutes of the meeting of the City Commissioners with separate amended resolution and letter dated 7th May 1847 from the Town Clerk regarding a resolution from the Watch Committee.about the danger from darkness in the City streets.
98 - 8 June 1847 - 1 item - Minutes of the meeting of the City Commissioners.
99 - 13 July 1847 - 1 item - Minutes of the meeting of the City Commissioners.
100 - 10 August 1847 - 1 item - Minutes of the meeting of the City Commissioners.
101 - 12 October 1847 - 1 item - Minutes of the meeting of the City Commissioners.
102 - 14 September 1847 - 1 item - Minutes of the meeting of the City Commissioners.
103 - 21 November 1848 - 1 item - Minutes of the meeting of the City Commissioners.
104 - 17 October 1848 - 1 item - Minutes of the meeting of the City Commissioners.
105 - 12 September 1848 - 1 item - Minutes of the meeting of the City Commissioners.
106 - 12 September 1848 - 1 item - Minutes of the meeting of the City Commissioners.
107 - 8 August 1848 - 1 item - Minutes of the meeting of the City Commissioners.
108 - 13 June 1848 - 1 item - Minutes of the meeting of the City Commissioners.
109 - 16-May-1848 - 1 item - Minutes of the meeting of the City Commissioners.
110 - 9-May-1848 - 1 item - Minutes of the meeting of the City Commissioners.
111 - 13-Jun1848 - 1 item - Minutes of the meeting of the City Commissioners.
112 - 22 July 1848 - 1 item - Minutes of the meeting of the City Commissioners.
113 - 20 April 1848 - 1 item - Minutes of a Special meeting of the City Commissioners.
114 - Mar-1848 - 1 item - Memorial from St. Martin's Street residents to the Street Committee for additional lamps.
115 - 11 April 1848 - 1 item - Minutes of a Special meeting of the City Commissioners with additional papers.
116 - 14 April 1848 - 1 item - Minutes of the meeting of the City Commissioners.
117 - 8 February 1848 - 1 item - Minutes of the meeting of the City Commissioners.
118 - 11 January 1848 - 1 item - Minutes of the meeting of the City Commissioners.
119 - 30 November 1847 - 1 item - Minutes of the meeting of the City Commissioners.
120 - 14 December 1847 - 1 item - Minutes of the meeting of the City Commissioners.
121 - 1843 - 1 item - Abstract of title of Mr. John Hughes to the Hop Pole Inn & other premises situated in St. Nicholas parish.
122 - 28 October 14 - 1 item - Demand for payment by the North Claines Parish Overseers to Droitwich Rural District Council in respect of the Common Fund of the Droitwich Union and Precept for General Expenses.
123 - 5 June 1885 - 1 item - Mortgage by the Mayor and Corporation of Worcester to the Secretary of the Public Works Loan Commissioners
124 - Undated - 1 item - Resolution of the City Commissioners to appoint an Inspector for six months.
125 - 13 April 1846 - 1 item - Letter from Mr. Tymbs, Gas Company to the City Commissioners regarding a reduction in the price charged for the City Lamps.
126 - 5 November 1830 - 1 item - Agreement between the City Commissioners and the Worcester Gas, Light and Coke Co.
127 - Undated - 1 item - Part of a petition to Parliament to enact a Bill to set the tolls for passage or various modes of transport and animals along the highway.
128 - 11-May-1818 - 1 item - Letter from Mr. W. P. Clark to Mr. Wells, Attorney at Law, Worcester regarding the settlement of an account for the Commissioners of the Worcester Waterworks.
129 - 12 February 1841 - 1 item - Agreement between the City Commissioners and Mr. William Wood, Droitwich for the construction of a culvert in the Blockhouse .
130 - 16 September 1843 - 1 item - Agreement between the Commissioner for the Improvement of the City and Mr. James Holland for pulling down premises in Gardners Lane.
131 - 27 February 14 - 1 item - Draft Proof of Evidence by Arthur Paget Parker regarding a Boundary Extension prepared by Samuel Southall, Town Clerk, Worcester.
132 - 25 March 1889 - 1 item - Nominal Debenture No 85 on General District Rates for securing money borrowed from Sinking Fund.
133 - 25 September 11 - 1 item - Receipt with Cancelled Nominal Debenture No. 96 in the name of Edward Wones, Lower Gornal, Dudley.
135 - 24 July 1885 - 1 item - Transfer of Mortgages made to the Trustees of Enfranchisement moneys between Thomas Rowley Hill, M.P of Worcester, the Mayor and Corporation and Charles Dalrymple and Hon Sidney Herbert, Lords Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury.
136 - 20 September 1879 - 1 item - Mortgage No. 31 of the General District Rates by the Mayor and Corporation of Worcester to Mr. Hilary Hill.
137 - 18 November 1913 - 1 item - Cover only of the Representation of the Mayor and Corporation of Worcester to the Local Government Board Session 1914.
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