
Reference Number496.5 BA9360/U8/1 - 92
Hierarchy Browser Number8001/1/17/1/6
TitleBox list of Miscellaneous Documents from the Town Clerk
Description1 - 8-Jan-1902 - 1 item - Register of Certificates of Worcester City Council Stock 3.25% Dividend Nos 1-200 dated from 25th March 1890 with index of Stockholders.
2 - 11-Jan-1828 - 4 items - Grant of Annuities No. 9 by the Commissioners of the City of Worcester to Miss Mary Hill, Rev. S. Hill (with Miss M. Hill), Miss C. Hill and Miss Maria Hill.
3 - 13-Sep-1823 - 1 item - Letter from Mr. A. Cammeroce, Palace Yard to Mr. Dickens, Solicitor, Sansome Street, Worcester regarding the settlement of an outstanding account for meals.
4 - 21-May-1862 - 1 item - Certified extract of a resolution from the Quarterly Meeting of the Council and Local Board of Health of Worcester City on 1st January 1861 to raise a mortgage to London Life Association in respect of a payment to the Committee of Visitors of the County and City Pauper Lunatic Asylum.
5 - 6-Aug-1879 - 1 item - Certified copy from the Minutes of Meetings of Worcester City Council acting as the Urban Sanitary Authority on 3rd June 1879 and 5th August, 1879 regarding a loan of £1000 for Street Improvements.
6 - 11-Aug-1809 - 1 item - Receipt acknowledgement for payment for attending an arbitration between the Commissioners of Worcester Water Works and Mr. S. Clark sent by Mr. W. Freemantle to Mr. M. Wells. Solicitor.
7 - Undated - 1 item - List of watchmen for parishes of St. Nicholas, All Saints and St. Andrew's.
8 - 24-May-1809 - 1 item - Note from the Commissioners of the Water Works to W. Featherstone regarding money sunk for a fifteen year lease.
9 - 30-Apr-1809 - 1 item - Letter from Mr. W.T. Clark to Mr. T. Dickens at Mr. Wells, Attorneys regarding the installation of an engine.
10 - 12-Apr-1809 - 1 item - A representation to the Commissioners of the Worcester Water Works condemning the Committee in adopting the report of Mr. W.T. Clarke, Engineer into the state of the Engine and Building and requesting an alternative report by Mr. Whitmore of Birmingham.
11 - Undated - 1 item - Draft of an Act of Parliament regarding the lighting of streets within various parishes within Worcester City.
12 - Undated - 1 item - Draft of an Act of Parliament regarding the lighting of streets within various parishes within Worcester City.
13 - 4-Jul-1812 - 1 item - Draft recommendations regarding the levying of Water Rates within Worcester City prepared by Mr. Wells (on the reverse of a Election Declaration by Abram Robarts, Malvern for the Parliamentary seat of Worcester City dated 18th Sept 1811).
14 - 15-Oct-1844 - 1 item - Letter from Mr. Richard Evans to Mr. C. Bedford, Sansome Street, regarding the receipt of money on the Waterworks.
15 - 30/9/1933 - 1 item - A page from the Yorkshire Weekly Post Illustrated
16 - 25-Mar-1890 - 1 item - Nominal Debenture No. 77 issued on behalf of Worcester Corporation regarding a loan for the purpose of Street Improvement
17 - 13-Jul-1808 - 1 item - Letter from Mr. Abram Robarts to Mr. W. Welles regarding money held at Worcester Old Bank at the disposal of Mr. T. Carden to be used towards the expense of erecting a Steam Engine.
18 - 14-Apr-1847 - 1 item - Health of Towns Circular issued by Lewis Slight, Clerk to the Commissioners for the Improvement of Brighton.
19 - 12-Jul-1838 - 1 item - Draft case as to repairing the streets to be presented to a meeting of the Worcester City Commissioners by Bedford Willcock.
20 - 04-Aug-1847 - 1 item - Draft Notice announcing a meeting of the Commissioners for the Improvement of the City of Worcester to debate the opposition to the new Gas Bill in Parliament.
21 - 28-Feb-1848 - 1 item - Representation by nine Commissioners for the Improvement of the City of Worcester to give notice to the raising of a rate to widen and improve certain thoroughfares leading from All Hallows in the Parish of All Saints, i.e. Merry Vale to Birdport Street in the Parish of St. Andrew's.
22 - 22-Feb-1848 - 1 item - Draft notice under the Worcester Improvement Act announcing a special meeting of the Commissioners for the Improvement of the City of Worcester to debate the widening of Street leading from Queen Street to the Cornmarket.
23 - 21-Feb-1848 - 1 item - Representation by seven Commissioners for the Improvement of the City of Worcester requesting the calling of a meeting to discuss the alteration and turning of Queen Street.
24 - 31-Aug-1781 - 1 item - An account from James Watkins regarding the relaying of pipes within various City streets affected by trees.
25 - Undated - 1 item - List of the (Epitome) contents of a new Act of Parliament making amendments to existing legislation setting up the Worcester City Commissioners.
26 - 22-Mar-1846 - 1 item - Report of the Committee appointed by the Commissioners to superintend the introduction of several Clauses to the new Gas Company Bill.
27 - 24-Nov-1848 - 1 item - Copy of Streets Committee Report sent by John Matthews to Mr. C. Bedford.
28 - 17-Sep-1843 - 1 item - Assignment of premises situated in Gardiners Lane in St. Nicholas' parish by Mr. Thomas Harrington to the Commissioners for the City of Worcester.
29 - 25-Mar-1890 - 1 item - Mortgage of the City Rates dated 21st January 1862 by the Mayor and Corporation of Worcester City to Josiah Stallard and Thomas Rowley Hill, M.P. to secure money for the erection of the Public Hall in the Cornmarket.
30 - 3-Jan-1883 - 1 item - Mortgage No 22 for £1000 by the Mayor and Corporation of Worcester City to Francis Henry Mitchell and others to secure money for the improvement of the City Asylum together with a receipt of the money.
31 - 14-Apr-1888 - 1 item - Nominal Debenture No. 630 issued on behalf of Worcester Corporation to George Lewis regarding a loan for the purpose of Street Improvement.
32 - 11-Oct-1898 - 1 item - Details of the cost of collecting City and Poor rates.
33 - Undated - 1 item - Part of a draft of the wording of the Improvement Bill.
34 - 14-Apr-1823 - 1 item - Copies of the Votes and Proceedings of the House of Commons (Nos 36, 39 and 42) giving details of many local Acts of Parliament.
35 - 11/3/1905 - 1 item - Draft Provisional Order by the Board of Trade Session authorising the construction of Street Tramways at Worcester.
36 - 12-Oct-1844 - 1 item - Letter to Mr. C. Bedford from George Cornwall Carden relaying the decision of the Six Master that they could not consent to reduce the rate of interest on a loan for the improvement of the City.
37 - 11-Oct-1844 - 1 item - Receipt of offer from William Lamb of Cheltenham to agree 4 %.
38 - 19-Oct-1844 - 1 item - Letter from Mr. J.G. Watkins, confirming that Mr. Owen has accepted the reduced rate of 4% on behalf of the Trustees for Mrs. Paine.
39 - 15-Aug-1823 - 1 item - Letter from W.J.D. regarding corrections to a proof copy of a Worcester Improvement document.
40 - 1-Sep-1888 - 1 item - Nominal Debenture No. 83 to Francis Dingle of Thames House.
41 - 25-Mar-1890 - 1 item - Nominal Debenture No. 78 to Walter Holland of Rose Hill.
42 - 25-Mar-1890 - 1 item - Nominal Debenture No. 66 to John Noake.
43 - 29-Sept-1897 - 2 items - Balance Sheets for the Worcester Union for the Poor Rate in the Parishes of St. Peter.
44 - 25-Mar-1898 - 2 items - Balance Sheets for the Worcester Union for the Poor Rate in the Parishes of St. Peter.
45 - 8-Jun-1885 - 1 item - Indenture for Mortgage to John Swinton Isaac .
46 - 3-Apr-1829 - 1 item - Water Rate Assessment for the Year 1828 signed by Treasurer, George Carden.
47 - Year 1827 - 1 item - Assessment for the City parishes for 1827.
48 - 27-Sep-1844 - 1 item - Letter from Mr. Bedford to Mrs. Rebecca Morris, Nunnery, near Spetchley regarding reduction of interest from 4.5% to 4%.
49 - 22-Jul-1833 - 1 item - Letter to Mr. C. Bedford from Thomas Carden reporting the dangerous state of the wall to the Waterworks warehouse.
50 - Undated - 1 item - Petition sent to the Commissioners by residents of Henwick Road regarding the assessment for Gas Lights rates where there is none installed.
51 - 30-Mar-1833 - 1 item - Petition sent to the Commissioners for Managing the Worcester Police from William Davies, whose character was recommended by other signatories, requesting the appointment as one of the Worcester Police.
52 - 16-Feb-1824 - 1 item - Letter from Barnaby and Best to the Commissioner requesting the suspension of an Order to reinstate of a supposed projection upon the pavement outside a shop leased to Jonathan and Thomas Oates.
53 - Undated - 1 item - Note to Mr. Willes, Clerk of the Commissioners, regarding the inconvenience of the projection in front of a shop windows compared to other projections complained by Mr. Hooper.
54 - 3-May-1825 - 1 item - Draft notice calling a special general meeting of the Commissioners to discuss repair to St. Nicholas Street and Pump Street.
55 - 8-Nov-1818 - 1 item - Warrant issued to the Constable of St. Nicholas ward regarding Abraham Edmunds following his conviction by the Justices of the Peace for breaking a lamp.
56 - 17-Mar-1817 - 1 item - Summons to be issued to Thomas Matthews, Collector of the Water Rates of St. Andrew's Parish to appear at the Guildhall on that day to explain why he should not be fined £5 for not handing in to Thomas Carden, the collection of money for the assessment.
57 - 25-Mar-1824 - 1 item - Draft notice for a meeting of the Commissioners to be held on 25th March 1824.
58 - 14-Dec-1824 - 1 item - Letter to Thomas Losley and Edmund Newton, Collectors, All Saints Parish, regarding a complaint by the Treasurer of the Water Rates that no part of the Parish collection of rates had not taken place for five months.
59 - 31-Mar-1825 - 1 item - Draft notice of a special General Meeting of the Commissioners to examine the Collectors accounts for the year.
60 - 7-May-1828 - 1 item - Authority issued to the Collectors of the Rates in the various parishes of the City to collect and receive from local residents the due assessments for the year.
61 - Undated - 1 item - Proof copy of a document, supplied to Welles and Dickins authorising the Collector to levy the sum of Rates unpaid by an occupier of any premises by distress and sale of the goods and chattels in payment of the outstanding sums.
62 - 11-Feb-1826 - 1 item - Warrant of distress issued to Thomas Bradley, Collector of Rates following his non-payment of the assessment for the Parish of St. Peter's.
63 - 11-May-1825 - 1 item - Notice to the various parishes announcing the Commissioners' decision on 9th May, 1825 to levy as part of the General Rate a sum of money for all inhabitants to pay not only for the repair and "pitching" of the surface of their own street but also that of the main streets in the City.
64 - 28-Feb-1833 - 1 item - Letter from Ann Painton, Henwick applying for a payment from the Commissioners for her duties of watering the City streets
65 - 9-Apr-1833 - 1 item - Letter to Mr. Bedford, Solicitor from Thomas Carden, explaining that he will not be able to attend a meeting of the Commissioners to be held on 12th April.
66 - Undated - 1 item - Proof copy of the Assessors Warrant, supplied to Welles and Dickins .
67 - 16-Dec-1823 - 1 item - A petition signed by W. Holbrook and Thomas Baskerville, to the Commissioners to call a meeting to discuss the projection of the windows of premises owned by Surgeon Stephenson opposite the Old Bank that encroaches onto the pavement and carriageway and hinders the watercourse.
68 - 8-May-1830 - 1 item - Authority sent to Mr. Bedford by Mr. S. Ballard and Mr. Crane to pay them for paving work.
69 - Undated - 1 item - Petition sent to the Commissioners regarding the poor state of the gaslamps in Foregate Street
70 - Undated - 1 item - A business card for William Beckwith, Silk & Velvet Manufacturer, Cheapside, London with various names on the reverse side, connected to St. Swithin's parish.
71 - 6-Mar-1838 - 1 item - Copy of a resolution passed at the Commissioners meeting held on that day regarding the salary of Mr. Pemberton, City Surveyor
72 - 13-Dec-1836 - 1 item - Bond issued by Mr. Joseph Lightwood to the Commissioners.
73 - 10-Oct-1826 - 1 item - Summons issued by Mr. Welles, Clerk for a meeting of the Commissioners held on 20th October, 1826 to examine the Collector's Accounts
74 - 16-Jul-1827 - 1 item - Warrant of distress issued to Thomas Payne, Collector of Rates following his non-payment of the assessment for the Extra-parochial area of the Blockhouse.
75 - 22-Jun-1827 - 1 item - Notice issued by Mr. Welles to Thomas Payne, Collector of Rates instructing him to deliver all his books and writings held in connection with his position as Collector of Rates for the Blockhouse.
76 - Undated - 1 item - Authority given to Charles Bullock and John Crane to be Collectors of the Rates and Assessments for the Parish of St. Peter's.
77 - Undated - 1 item - Proof copy of a handbill regarding the responsibility of all owners and occupiers of general and domestic premises to provide and repair drainage pipes under the pavements.
78 - 23-Jun-1824 - 1 item - Letter sent by Mr.W. Welles, Clerk to the Commissioners issued to the creditors of the Water and Lamp Rates to confirm that they will only pay 4.5 per cent interest.
79 - Undated - 1 item - List of gentlemen who have received a copy of an Act of Parliament.
80 - Undated - 1 item - Draft paragraph amending a proof document concerning the emptying of privies of night soil.
81 - Undated - 1 item - Draft paragraph amending a proof document concerning the responsibility of occupiers of premises adjoining the street or lane to provide guttering and sewerage at their own expense.
82 - 20-Nov-1832 - 1 item - Account issued to the Parish of St. Peter's by Abel Pointon for the hauling of rubble and levelling the streets of the parish.
83 - Undated - 1 item - Summons issued to John Maund regarding the offence of running a trolley laden with night soil after 10.00 a.m. along the Town Ditch, Sansome Street and the Foregate, Worcester.
84 - 25-Jun-1830 - 1 item - Warrant issued to Joseph Orchard, William Garland, Thomas Tilt and John Williams appointing them as General Surveyors in the City
85 - Undated - 1 item - Surveyors warrant issued to Mr. Eden and Mr. Hooper regarding their duties as General Surveyors of the City.
86 - 16-Feb-1824 - 1 item - Notice issued on behalf of the Commissioners by Robert Newman to Messrs. Jonathan and Thomas Oates ordering them to remove the window that projects onto the pavement in front of their premises.
87 - 25-Oct-1836 - 1 item - Copy of the minutes of the Commissioners meeting held on that day listing those present and resolving to cancel their future meeting on 4th November.
88 - 22-Jan-1836 - 1 item - Financial account issued by George Carden, Treasurer to be presented to the Commissioners meeting held that day.
89 - 2-Mar-1824 - 1 item - Notice issued by Mr. Welles, Clerk regarding a meeting of the Commissioners to be held on 24th March 1824 following a serious accident that had happened.
90 - Undated - 1 item - Warrant issued by the Commissioners to appoint watchmen for the City.
91 - 29-Apr-1824 - 1 item - Notice that the Commissioners intend to improve the pavements from the bridge to Mr. Cottons and leading from the Bear Inn to the Bush Inn in St. Clement's Parish and in Hylton Street to the City Boundary.
92 - 09-Dec-1824 - 1 item - Notice issued by the Commissioners regarding the wheels of wagons carrying goods through the City.
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