
Reference Number496.5 BA9360/A24/Box 3/1 - 3
Hierarchy Browser Number8001/12/1/4/1
TitleLocal Inquiry into St John's Traffic Scheme
DescriptionPapers, maps and other records relating to the local inquiry held June 1968 into the proposed traffic scheme (installation of traffic lights, junction alteration at Bromyard Road, and prohibition of waiting at St Johns near the Bull Ring).

The first folder contains copies of letters, petitions and lists of individuals and organisations who object to the schemes. These were taken into consideration by the inquiry but did not form part of the evidence read out.

The second bundle comprises a report from the local inquiry noting the points given in cross examination for and against the proposals, acompanied by the exhibts presented: a list of owners or occupiers of businesses in St Johns; evidence of the City Engineer as given at a local inquiry; plan; a survey of cars waiting taken May 1968; photographs (see below); censuses of traffic flow at Henwick Road; and handwritten details of trains passing over the Henwick Road crossing. There are 5 sets of black and white photographs, labelled A to E, taken as part of a survey into traffic in St Johns in the Bull Ring and surrounding area (church, on 22nd to 28th May 1968, showing the shops, traffic, cyclists, pedestrians and roads. Most labelled with a date and time taken. 'A' was taken at a quiet time of day, 'B' and 'C' were taken at the junction with St John's Church, and 'D' and 'E' illustrate features of the traffic. There are two copies of each set (nearly complete) of different sizes (approx. 8 x 6 inch and 5 x 4 inch).

The third bundle includes copy orders from the Town Clerk, extracts of committee minutes and Traffic Acts, and a local newspapers featuring an announcement about the proposed traffic order.
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